Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Do: Relax.

Okay, while I realize I haven't been the best example of this in my own life these past few months...the more out of control I feel the more I realize how quickly life floats away from our finger tips. It seems like your holding a certain event right in the palm of your hands and however you handle it, good or bad, it will, just like all the others, sift right through your fingers and remain only as a memory...sooner or later, it always does. Why ruin the memory by stressing, overreacting or making a bigger deal over things? How much better to just take a deep breath and chill out.

The above is added on to my forever long New Year's Resolutions List. That and finishing I seem to be deteriorating in my capacity to do so. Yikes.

If I don't blog before then... I hope you each a beautiful New Years. Pick your smooch strategically ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 14: Favorite Movie


Something you should know about me is... I love movies. For the most part I've cut technology (as much as I possibly could) out of my life, but seriously, let's get real... I could never stop watching movies. For me it's so fun (almost as fun as a book) to escape into the characters lives and see the way the director wants you to see things. Sometimes it gets a little tricky in Hollywood and you have to be able to differentiate between reality and possibilities.

My guilty pleasure is definitely chick-flicks. That's what {almost} my entire movie collection consists favorite being The Notebook, but only if I absolutely HAD to choose. The romance and story line, for some reason, is just irresistible to me. I can't really explain why. I mean for the most part, it goes against lots of things I believe in so I can't exactly justify the fact that it's my favorite although I really do wish I could.

Maybe I'm so drawn by the hopeless love Noah and Allie share.. Or the fact that Noah can't get on with his life because of the intensity of his feelings for her. They shared one summer and he was hooked on her- he could never let go. I love that he wrote her for 365 days. He had dedication and he was a man of his word. He had nothing and yet he could offer her everything; that was more than enough for her. There are so many incredibly well written can't help but quote them. I love the beauty that is created in the movie. I love the time period and the fashion, the fun. I love the way that they complete each other.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking that it's the kind of romance and love I want but then I realize that's a lie. While it's an incredible movie and I have yet to conquer my tears while watching it, I know that their love is fueled by worldly passion and attraction. A biblical romance is fueled by an overflow of Jesus' graciousness to his people by the beauty of marriage. Jesus wants marriage to be a mirror image of his love for the church. He wants us to *try* to understand his incredible and UNexplainable love for us by showing us togetherness between two people. Sadly, the world is slowly conquering marriage and damaging the loveliness it was intended to hold. Worldly desires that burn inside of men and women have distinguished the drive of pushing through the hard things of life together and separating the two by so many enticing things. Adultry. Lies. Weakness. Lack of leadership. Lack of submission. Feminism. Uncommitedness. Temptation.

These days I see marriages falling apart all around me and all I can think is to beg God that one day that won't be me. I pray that by God's grace I will be blessed (one day) with a man that desires God's best for the two of our lives, who lives in reckless abandonment in the freeness of Jesus' grace and fearlessly seeks to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus. I know that he's out there waiting for me and I just adore the thought of "one day." It's quite mind blowing to think that the Lord has prepared someone just for me and I just for him... I know that our relationship will be far from perfect, but I'm so not looking for perfect. I'm searching and seeking for real, for God's absolute best.

In the coming years for me and people my age, I know there will be so many distractions. So many people that seem like they fit the mold- "they're perfect!" but no. I challenge you and I challenge myself daily to search your heart, seek after God...ask him to guide you because after all, he knows the one. Don't be distracted by the potential, wait for the confirmed. There are so many things to do for the kingdom- focus on that. Fill your mind with everything pure and good because when you're on that track, you're right with God and when you're right with God, you can hear his voice the greatest...and when you can hear his voice, you'll know just what he's saying.

What a beautiful thing.

"Draw near to me and I will draw near to you."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something I'm proud of.... (:

This ministry is practically the heartbeat of my current life-

This picture is entitled: Complete Submission. Right on the money, eh? But on a more serious note, this is in essence what I do at Hope Reins... I train the horses. It's a constant adventure- to see what you can teach them and in turn, through the process, what they teach me. I love what I do here and how the Lord uses me and changes me through it daily...

The other aspect of this beautiful ministry is the children...perhaps one of my favorite parts. Visit the website for more info :)

Another bonus of working here is the incredible people. You see all those people on the staff page on that website? Their all family to me. So near and dear. I love each one of them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Stored In Heaven

'Tis the season, isn't it?? ...The season of friends, family, lovejoypeacepatience....GIFTS. Yes, I love Christmas. But I love Christmas for what it truly is- a day that should bring people close together in celebration of the birth of a Savior- NOT because of materialism.

What is this??

I mean, most of the time the gift you buy you friends and family are out of obligation or completely un-thought provoked. So, not only are you buying gifts just to buy gifts but you're doing so UNthoughtfully. Does it get worse?

Or what about people getting wrapped up (every pun intended) in the competitive spirit? For instance, house decor, cookie competitions, biggest, bestest parties, ect.

I'd say that, in movie terms, the Griswold's are the perfect example in the movie "Christmas Vacation". A celebration of all the wrong things. Honestly, I don't want to down all these things- I mean, the true intentions of the ideas are fun and family oriented BUT what they've become in our culture can be destructive.

A while ago I posted a blog on fair trade and how many major companies don't enforce this. When you're buying gifts go to small businesses and support their endeavors. Order online at websites that are doing great things... There are some places that even donate money to Haiti relief the second you buy an item. Instead of wasting loads of electricity and decking your house out with lights, go iceskating with your family or bring gloves to the homeless (it's really cold outside if you haven't noticed:)). Take your time off and just love on people. Lift one another up. After all, that is why Jesus came to earth.

Jesus is the most perfect example of a people-lover and so, in order to honor him on HIS holiday (even though everyday is already his...but just go with it) let's love people well. Don't get tied up in the things that don't matter- instead, "store your treasures in heaven."

Day 12 :D

Okay, so I've faced it.... I'm not the most "on top of it" person ever.... in fact, I'm usually late on things-- I'm not a afraid of commitment but I am trying to work out the fact that I normally don't have the commitment done in a timely manner. I suppose it could be my New Year's resolution: Get things done in a timely fashion.

Three blogs I can't get enough of...
I'd have to say, the majority of them are fashion blogs- yes, yes, they are beautiful. The three I check most often are:

Fun stuff. Let's cross our fingers I don't miss a day this week :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh man! It's the 9th....already???

So, I've missed 2 days. So sorry :(

Song for the day (Day 7)
Seriously, this was a really tricky one. How am I supposed to pick only one song?? So, I decided to pick a beautiful song along with a beautiful music video. All those candles seem like heaven, seriously.

The last item I purchased (Day 8)
Funny story. So I bought a coat, an absolutely lovely coat...that I couldn't exactly afford but since I fell in love with it, I bought it anyway. Great self control. My point is, my mother flipped out when she discovered my impulsive purchase and became determined that it would just have to be one of my Christmas gifts. While I still have the charge to my credit card, I am patiently waiting for Christmas Day...and patiently, hopefully waiting for a nice little transfer to my account ;) Great story, huh?

A Close-up of my day (Day 9)
I'm thinking that I'll just do this one tomorrow along with day 10, how's that sound?? Tomorrow will be a more exciting day anyways- and I'll bring my camera along so that you can truly have a "close-up" ;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 6: Book I'm Reading..

Welp. I am currently reading the Hunger Games. 

This is a super awesome trilogy of which I am only on the first book. Thus far, it's semi like the book by George Orwell, 1984. Or at least in the fact that the government is totalitarian and the people are fearful. The government makes each district send two children, one boy and one girl to a nation-wide event called the Hunger Games. This event is when kids fight to the death- the winner is set free and sent back into their home district branded a "hero/heroine." The only thing is, the people hate these games... they are forced to participate. 

So far this book is awesome. I'm so looking forward to finishing it :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

(Day 5) Three Years Ago :2008:

Wow. I am marveled to think of how much has changed since only 3 years ago. Boy, do I look different (thankfully, no more braces. and, who woulda thought layers would do so much for someone's hair/overall look?!). I live in a different house... I would maybe even say that the person I am is quite different. The video below is my greatest friend all the way from kindergarten. We took Cotillion for 3 years.. starting in 4th grade- this video is from the beginning (Spring) of 2008. Looking back on this, even the way we talk is different... okay, so maybe EVERYTHING isn't that different but still- it feels like so much has changed. I know that the person I am is slightly different at the very least. When you grow up, or the MORE you grow up, the more you discover how much life really isn't about you. Not only do (and should you) come to that realization but I've seen how much better life truly is when you *don't* focus on yourself. Oh, life has been so good in these three years- I am just blown away.

If only I could possibly explain all the things I've 
                                          been blown away by...
                                                  been absolutely appalled at...
This list could just go on and on. I'm thankful for it all- so thankful to be alive and experiencing life. Hopefully I live to the fullest.

In 2008, I broke my arms.
This was completely life-defining.

Honestly. It was this huge wake up call that I needed to live on fire for something... not to be lukewarm on anything. I was passionate before this accident but afterward, I realized how much more I can do... how much different I could make the world if I wanted to. That I could seriously make a difference. So, I started pushing for it... Then Hope Reins came about and the deal was sealed. Hope Reins changed my pursuit of Jesus tenfold. Perfect timing :)
Just three years ago...

If nothing else, this makes me realize how much three years really is. When you don't really think about it, three seems like a small number- but it isn't. It's a whole lot of time. Seize the day! 

Here's to the next three :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 3....and 4- oops!!

Hello my lovely Blog-Readers :) I hope you are well on this beautiful North Carolina day. This weekend has been absolutely glorious for me! My friends from Guatemala came into town yesterday morning- I picked them up from the airport late (because I went to the wrong terminal..) and greeted them at baggage claim with a lovely home-made banner.. Then we spent the rest of the day laughing. We finally ended our day with going to downtown's super, duper fun Winterfest. Our native Guatemalans got to ice skate and sled for the first time while we listened to 80's music and danced around town. I hope you had a great weekend! What did you do??

So, hence the busy day above, I forgot to blog yesterday but alas! Today is the day for both update- don't you worry! 

Something you never leave the house without. Day 3
hmm. I actually did think about this one yesterday, for I didn't know what I would write. I've been in a "no-purse" mood recently so I haven't had anything with me at all, actually. So, I was wondering if I could say something that I wear all the time instead? .....which would be my promise ring. 

haha... besides the scary face, that's my ring. My daddy gave it to me and that's when I made a promise to both him and remain pure. When I took that promise, I knew I had given my word on something that was very important and I assumed it would be a really easy thing. As I got older, I realized and keep realizing just how difficult it is to keep my eyes on Jesus- never swerving from the path that he has created for me to walk. This promise, I learned, wasn't only about the physical nature of purity... instead, and even harder, it is about emotional, spiritual and mindful purity, keeping my thoughts only on things that glorify my Savior. 

As I learn more and more of who I am.. I see that this "pure" way of thinking goes way outside of sex and relationships. Instead I see that it shows itself through everything in life. Am I pure in the way I think and relate to people (God's creation, made in his beautiful image)? How 'bout in the way I worship and serve him? Or in my family- do I relate to my parents and brother honorably? Do you see what I mean? Ever since I slid this ring on my finger I have been challenged with the physical reminder of this:

Do not let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity. -1 Timothy

This is the life calling that all teenagers have been given- to set an example. What an awesome mission given straight from the Lord of all. Why aren't we living more like Paul says??
A friend I adore Day 4
Gee wiz. This one is a tough one! I have so many incredible friends that I adore and each one for so many different reasons. However, I have this one friend who is an absolute rock in my life. When I am terrible at keeping in touch and calling back, I get notes in the mail from her- just encouraging me. We are crazy together, absolutely insane...but honestly, it wouldn't be fun to be the way I am with her with any other of my friends. She loves the Lord, oh boy does she love him and she is absolutely stunning inside and out.. her beauty radiates. I love Marianna Brewer so very much. Thanks for always being there for me, chick! I love, love, love listening to all your stories- most the time I sit on the other side of the phone with popcorn in hand. You make me smile. And so does your life. You're going to do incredible things, you already are....but the future you is going to change the world, I already know. I'm so ready to see it- I can hardly wait. I love you!!!

This is us. We had a paint war :D
We love life.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2... inspire :)

Inspirational quotes.. 3, to be precise. Honestly, I knew this would be really hard for me. When I was 12 or so, I found this leather bound book with beautiful blank cream pages in it in our old house and I immediately seized ownership of it. Ever since, I've filled it with words and quotes that have touched my heart. It's quite lovely. It ranges from the definitions of words and to bible verses then to philosophies of famous thinkers and random lines of songs--- beautiful words. A sentence formed with the perfect combination of letters. Incredible. Here are three quotes... tough choices but I picked, nonetheless.

1) I had this beautiful quote on my blog wall a while ago- i think. It's by Thoreau. I'm a fan of his thoughts.. They are very interesting. And thought provoking.

As if you could kill time without injury eternity. 

For me, this quote means so much because often times people my age and sometimes older also (i guess if you never decide to grow up :P) do things and act on impulses that I am sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they will later regret...they do it like it won't ever effect them. But. Sad news: it does. And odds are that it will effect other people to-- cause injury. 

2) For number two... this one's a bit more personal but touching all the more. I'm a fan of poetry. I'm a hopeless romantic at times. And 100% of a girl. If you're like me, there's no way these words couldn't get to you.

I thought I understood it
                                                                         but I didn't
I only knew the idea of it
Of you and me
I thought I understood it
but I didn't, not really
I knew the smugness of it
the eagerness of it
the idea of it
Of you and me.

Sometimes you think you know, in your heart that something is perfect. You're sure of it. But it turns out- it isn't. Then you're left to deal with the fact that what you once thought was the end-all.. really wasn't. You have trillions of memories tied up with a few months out of the hundreds in your life and yet, all you seem to remember are those few. You try and let go. You tell yourself over and over again to get rid of your feelings but sometimes it just takes years to get over those few months... in the end you come to grips with the fact that really all you understood was the idea.

3) Let's end on a light free :)

I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night… 
– Sylvia Plath

There's all sorts of freedoms but lots of times the freedom above is the one I crave.. I free spirit that roams and takes joy in this life here. I love it. Watch the rain pour- run in it when you tire of watching it fall. Love your family well. Pursue things that are important. Forget to think. Do.

And for me, I want to live freely in abandonment to my Savior... freedom.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I am an avid blog reader and I decided to take Astrid's (agirlnamedastrid) idea but use it for December instead of November... not only will you get to know me better, it will also give me a goal of posting something every day--How FUN! 
A Self Portait: Or a "Portrait of Self"

This was such a happy day :) Photography is a beautiful gift and boy does Jen Arthur have it (! Bright colors, feather earrings, strapless dresses, lovely horses... such a beautiful day. Some days it's necessary to feel pretty.. those days aren't everyday but some days are extraordinary- I am a personal fan of those days.

The days ahead... 
Day 01: A self portrait 
                Day 02: Three inspirational quotes
Day 03: Something I never leave the house without.
Day 04: A friend I adore.
Day 05: Three years ago today.
Day 06: A book I'm reading.
Day 07: A song for the day.
Day 08: The last item I purchased.
Day 09: A close-up of my day.
Day 10: What I love about my job.
Day 11: Something I’ve been craving.
Day 12: Three blogs I can’t get enough of.
Day 13: Something I'm proud of.
Day 14: A favourite movie.
Day 15: Some style inspiration for the season. 
Day 16: Someone who inspires me.
Day 17: My family.
Day 18: What I wore today.
Day 19: A silly self-portrait.
Day 20: A childhood anecdote.
Day 21: Something I could never tire of.
Day 22: Some place I’ve traveled.
Day 23: Eight things you didn't know about me.
Day 24: Something that means a lot to me.
Day 25: The contents of my purse.
Day 26: Something I'm looking forward to.
Day 27: Myself, one year ago.
Day 28: A skill I'd like to learn.
Day 29: Some place I'd like to visit.
Day 30: Three wonderful things that happened this month.
Day 31: What the Lord has shown you this month.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quote of My Day...

So I still have more to say about feelings.. But, I found this quote a few days ago and it's simply beautiful.

"We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak with our own          minds...A nation of men will for the first time exist because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul, which also inspires all men." -Emerson

Gotta love that guy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do you.... feel??

So, today I discovered (with the help of one of my friend's) one of the COOLEST things ever. Seriously- it's awesome.

To preface, if you truly know me, you know that I am a feeler. Everything pulls at my heart strings and moves me... sometimes this is good, most times it feels weighty. However, there is this site that a man made dedicated to feelings. (Yes, that's right a MAN made it :P) Every time someone posts a feeling [examples shown below..] the website finds it and posts it for the public to see!

-I feel good.
-I feel bad.
-When so-and-so said ____ I felt mad.

While these are incredibly pathetic sentences, you get the point. The site is a conglomeration* of hourly feelings from all over the world... it's truly beautiful. When you stumble across somethings poetic and song-like you might even find tears in your eyes. Truly, it's worth checking out... The website is below!

I have more thoughts on this... I'll post more later :)) ....Until then,

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello T-Swizzle :)

So, I realize most of these posts have been quite surface level-ish recently but I just have to tell you about my T-Swizzle experience!!

Okay, so to preface this whole experience, my lovely friend, Rachel Miller, called me early Thursday morning and with a screaming tone (over the phone) explaining the tickets she found and how cheap they were and that they would be a perfect girl's night out. I completely agreed. After some jumping around and laughing as we thought of the potential fun we would have, we decided to buy four tickets. perfect. beeeesides the fact that my dear friend isn't the most detail oriented person :) So. When we got to the amphitheater, we looked at the tickets (we were quite grateful that our tickets even made it through security... with our luck the tickets most likely were fraud) and guess where we were sitting? Section 307, row F.

If you can't exactly visualize where that is... here is a picture

The stage mostly was on the left where it's purple and says "student seating" - however, the plus side to these seats were that as we squinted our eyes just right, cocked our heads a little to the left and focused really, really hard, we got an awesome side profile of Taylor and all her back-up dancers/vocalists!!!

No, but really, it was an awesome night- one that I'm sure we'll remember for years and years and maybe we'll even tell our kids about our crazy night singing ridiculously, hopelessly romantic love songs about heartbreak. Good memories.

 Nick was jealous he didn't get to go.... poor guy :(
 I think this was actually a zoomed in view- lol
 In real life, the set truly did look like a fairy tale... quite lovely
A floating balcony? Psh. 

BUT THEN. To make the week even better----> NC State WON A GAME!!!! My dad is an alumni at state and so of course we had to go the the homecoming game which was against Clemson (who I believe was ranked 6th...until State creamed them.)

 I know, what a lovely picture....


^These pictures were pre-game- The whole family was flipping out post-win.... I'd say that football game was the best "pick-me-up" I've had in quite a while :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Catch-You-Up Time

So, you might ask, "What have you been doing the three days that you weren't blogging?" And to that my response is:

-went to the park and went swinging :)
-knitting (YES. I am so excited to be good at this)
-missed my brother
-contemplated my gratefulness towards my friends and the blessings they are
-dug into the Word
-got an awesome pair of shoes
-drove, and drove
and....-continued to put finishing touches on this room I share

OH. and exciting news. I am a new owner of an old car-- my first car :)

TO DO: Look on the "glass half full" side of life. It pays off.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

There is this song called "Beautiful Grace" by the band Relevant Worship and there is a line in the song that has just saturated my mind. It's so simple. A forfeit of our own life and a declaration to the meaning of life is praising and glorifying Jesus.

It says, "Over and over, we will praise you. Over and over, Lord."

This line is repeated at the end of the song many times. It makes you want to sing it for forever with the harmonies, ect. When my heart is worshipful, all is well with my soul.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Do:

To Do: Find a Role Model

In today's culture I think "role models" have been compromised because people started imitating them instead of learning from them. If you're imitating someone, you're not being yourself nor are you looking up to someone else- you're becoming them. So to clarify the words role model:
     {def.}A person you look up to, admire and would like to learn from.

*Who are you imitating?
*Who are you learning from?
*Who are you aiming to be?

Obviously Jesus is my ultimate role model but today I've stumbled upon the fact that I would like to be like Joshua....the one from the bible. Recently I've been reading the book in the bible named after him that contains his life story. I have been in constant awe at the ways he pursued the Lord. Nothing stopped him and upon sin, he fell to his knees dying inside because he was convinced of the mighty power of the God he served. He was dedicated to his mission- unswervingly. He led his people- unwaveringly. But, most of all, he served the Lord- whole heartedly.

*Who is your role model?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Don't you think the human race would be so much more interesting if we lived in these?
Yup. I do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nothing? Yes. Nothing.

Wow do I serve a mighty God who IS very present in my life! While that praise to Jesus is true don't let it fool you to think that I am in a 'happy' mood right now.

Things in the Foulkrod house have been turned upside down these last few days and along with it, my heart. I was "staying strong" until it all bubbled up and I broke down. I called my dad crying after I had an argument (which I never have) with my mom. Tension was high... and while my dad settled me down a bit, as I hung up the phone, I got a text. For some reason I follow this girl on twitter with whom I never am with in real life but her tweets are sent to my phone. Beautifully, oh so beautifully this is the tweet I received....

"Apart from Christ, I can do nothing." -John 15:5

If things get tough for you, and the emotional weight just wears you down and then keeps wearing you down... turn to Jesus. He is faithful. If you find yourself complaining inwardly or outwardly, stop yourself... and turn to Jesus. He wants to carry your burdens. If you don't know what to say to someone because the frustration is just overflowing... turn to Jesus. He gives strength, he gives words, he gives patience and he gives love.

Boy was I wrong in thinking I could live today by myself- apart from Jesus I can do nothing of worth for the kingdom. I am not a citizen of earth... I am living for eternity. Sometimes it's necessary to just stop and remember that.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Confirmed Thoughts

Isn't it crazy when you are thinking of something and then the same sort of thing you thought falls straight in your lap because of someone else's thoughts?? Well, it always happens to me. My thoughts are usually completely confirmed by something utterly unexpected. Today, I was reading some poems in a book by E.E. Cummings and this is the one I stumbled upon. The randomness in this is not so random because these words were my exact thoughts regarding something earlier today. I love when this happens.... so I wanted to share the words with you.

let it go-the
smashed word broken
open vow or
the oath cracked length
wise-let it go it
was sworn to
let them go-the
truthful liars and
the false fair friends
and the boths and
neithers-you must let them go they
were born
to go
let all go-the
big small middling
tall bigger really
the biggest and all
things-let all go
so comes love
-E.E. Cummings 

Hope you had a great weekend! I know that I was not ready for Monday to come around...but, alas! It's here despite. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

T'sday Tunes...

Would you like to listen to my song obsessions of the day? I hear it makes you more creative if you listen to new songs daily.... but I have a really hard time embracing that. I'm a creature of habit and today I'm diggin' the 70's  :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rainy Day + Fall Break + Antique Shop

Equals.... FUN!

I wish I took before pictures, but I didn't so you'll just have to imagine this now* awesome wall hanging device as an old, wooden and boring thing. Can you kinda see it? I know that you're probably distracted by what you see now but just try to envision it :) That way you can be happy with what it is now!

With a little bit of paint, hemp woven between the space where the mirror was, mason jars and some hooks for necklaces... it's perfect :) Doesn't it look bright and blissful? Even on a rainy day!

Recommendations for Rainy Days..

Sometimes a rainy day is just what we need. A day to collect ourselves and just chill out. But, let me tell you that chilling doesn't necessarily mean vegging or wasting the day away. Here are some ideas to stay cozy on a rainy day :D

1. Look up all the songs on Youtube that relate to rain
2. Make something homemade
3. Eat some  yummy food
4. Grab coffee at a local place (if you're in Raleigh,
5. Do something crazy with paint
6. Write
7. Watch the rain fall
8. Laugh
9. Send someone a letter
10. Watch a chick flick

This sounds like the perfect recharge day. Dear sky, thanks for letting it rain today :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Simply Love.

I stumbled upon 1 Corinthians 13 the other morning and I was stunned at the beauty of it, as always. I thought that I should share it with you :)

From the Message Version:
Love never gives up.
   Love cares more for others than for self.
   Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
   Love doesn't strut,
   Doesn't have a swelled head,
   Doesn't force itself on others,
   Isn't always "me first,"
   Doesn't fly off the handle,
   Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
   Doesn't revel when others grovel,
   Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
   Puts up with anything,
   Trusts God always,
   Always looks for the best,
   Never looks back,
   But keeps going to the end.

I first read the verse in my NIV and ESV but then I decided to see what the Message said. The above is in perfect day-to-day words. This is how we should live. 

When I read the part that says, "Puts up with anything, trusts God always." It reminded me of all the times when I hold grudges or unforgiveness because I'm not trusting God with the consequence he has for those who hurt me.

It was a reminder that the LORD is the One and the only One who can judge justly and, part of me growing in Him is to trust that HE will take care of them and that all I need to do is keep loving. That's what He's told me my job is... to simply love.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's starting to feel like fall, isn't it?! Today, the fam went on all the traditional fall outings. Pumpkin patches, hay rides and corn mazes... completely fall romantics :) Here are some fun pictures from our adventures.

p.s. The little man tagging along is my bud. He spends weekends with us and boy, does he bring joy to the Foulkrod family. 

These first two pictures are from my lovely adventure with Miss Gloria Mae Fry {} and Miss Rachel Miller ( We kicked off our fall with a good ole Scotty McCreery concert and a day down town :) So fun. 

 Mister Jordan and his stamps...
 and then of course he gave me stamps, too.
 A strawberry? I thought we came for pumpkins!

 That little goat by the post? yup. Jordan let him loose. 
Mister Farmer came and got 'im :)

The whole "letting the goat loose" incident had us laughing, for sure. Then sweet Jordan went straight up to the farmer and told him exactly what he did and how sorry he was. But, he let the man know that the goat wanted to get out anyways...

Super fun weekend kick off to Fall! Hope you all had a great weekend, too!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Normal? Humph!



One of my great loves is reading. I never totally enjoyed reading in elementary or middle school but when I got into high school, I saw the how my world could be transformed by words- the world is shaped on thoughts. Everyone's mind is molded by what they've been told and, most importantly, the stories or ideas that they read. 

Reading is one of the most beautiful escapes.

How often do you get to live someone else's life? When can you actually hear their innermost thoughts and feelings? Do you ever wish you knew how something made someone feel... really? Dear friends, if you don't like reading, start. It truly is worth the time.

The above ramble was brought up because of the current book that I'm reading. While it's not the most refined book, the characters are quite interesting and the story-line is great, thus far. I haven't finished the book, yet... So there is still a possibility that it turns out terrible but last night as I was reading, I found an awesome point. 

Jonathan Mooney is a man who struggled with learning disabilities as a child. During his childhood, not much was known on how to handle these disabilities and as a result the teachers would end up viewing the child as lesser of a human being. Quite terrible, huh? Well, anyways, Mooney decides, as a man, that he should make a point and reach out to all those that are viewed the same as he. He buys a short bus and travels around the U.S. writing down people's stories and in the process (no, duh.) he figures out more about himself than he ever knew.

So this is the quote that I was touched by...
"As I drove, I thought about that word normal.Before leaving on this trip, I had come across a great book called Enforcing Normalcy by Lennard Davis, who makes a strong argument that the word normalcy did not enter the English language until around 1860. Before then, we had only the concept of the ideal, which no one could ever hope to obtain. In the United States, normal arose within a cultural context as the nation sough to control a growing urban population and Americanize immigrants from around the world. Normalcy, though, is first and foremost and idea that arises from statistics. The normal, norm, or normalcy do not exist in the real world of people, despite the fact that we are told that we can modify our behavior and train our bodies and minds to reach it. We are told to chase it- in our culture, in our families, in our lives. But when we chase it- as I did- it disappears. Normalcy is like a horizon that keeps receding as you approach it."

I though this was not only a cool quote, but a great idea. Why don't we let go of this "thought" of normalcy? Anyways, if you're aiming for what I'm aiming for you know that you weren't called to be normal? NO. Normal simply isn't good enough any more. It doesn't cut it. Our plea shouldn't be to 'fit in'... it should be to 'stick out'! To be different.

So, yeah. This isn't a Christian book, but it's driving force is quite beautiful and very counter cultural. The book is mostly talking about disabilities, and usually we think of extremes when the word disabled is brought up but this quote of normalcy should most definitely be incorporated into your life. and MY life. 

It's this simple: normal is over-rated and boring.
 The people who make a difference are willing to be different.