Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 3....and 4- oops!!

Hello my lovely Blog-Readers :) I hope you are well on this beautiful North Carolina day. This weekend has been absolutely glorious for me! My friends from Guatemala came into town yesterday morning- I picked them up from the airport late (because I went to the wrong terminal..) and greeted them at baggage claim with a lovely home-made banner.. Then we spent the rest of the day laughing. We finally ended our day with going to downtown's super, duper fun Winterfest. Our native Guatemalans got to ice skate and sled for the first time while we listened to 80's music and danced around town. I hope you had a great weekend! What did you do??

So, hence the busy day above, I forgot to blog yesterday but alas! Today is the day for both update- don't you worry! 

Something you never leave the house without. Day 3
hmm. I actually did think about this one yesterday, for I didn't know what I would write. I've been in a "no-purse" mood recently so I haven't had anything with me at all, actually. So, I was wondering if I could say something that I wear all the time instead? .....which would be my promise ring. 

haha... besides the scary face, that's my ring. My daddy gave it to me and that's when I made a promise to both him and remain pure. When I took that promise, I knew I had given my word on something that was very important and I assumed it would be a really easy thing. As I got older, I realized and keep realizing just how difficult it is to keep my eyes on Jesus- never swerving from the path that he has created for me to walk. This promise, I learned, wasn't only about the physical nature of purity... instead, and even harder, it is about emotional, spiritual and mindful purity, keeping my thoughts only on things that glorify my Savior. 

As I learn more and more of who I am.. I see that this "pure" way of thinking goes way outside of sex and relationships. Instead I see that it shows itself through everything in life. Am I pure in the way I think and relate to people (God's creation, made in his beautiful image)? How 'bout in the way I worship and serve him? Or in my family- do I relate to my parents and brother honorably? Do you see what I mean? Ever since I slid this ring on my finger I have been challenged with the physical reminder of this:

Do not let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity. -1 Timothy

This is the life calling that all teenagers have been given- to set an example. What an awesome mission given straight from the Lord of all. Why aren't we living more like Paul says??
A friend I adore Day 4
Gee wiz. This one is a tough one! I have so many incredible friends that I adore and each one for so many different reasons. However, I have this one friend who is an absolute rock in my life. When I am terrible at keeping in touch and calling back, I get notes in the mail from her- just encouraging me. We are crazy together, absolutely insane...but honestly, it wouldn't be fun to be the way I am with her with any other of my friends. She loves the Lord, oh boy does she love him and she is absolutely stunning inside and out.. her beauty radiates. I love Marianna Brewer so very much. Thanks for always being there for me, chick! I love, love, love listening to all your stories- most the time I sit on the other side of the phone with popcorn in hand. You make me smile. And so does your life. You're going to do incredible things, you already are....but the future you is going to change the world, I already know. I'm so ready to see it- I can hardly wait. I love you!!!

This is us. We had a paint war :D
We love life.

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