Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nothing? Yes. Nothing.

Wow do I serve a mighty God who IS very present in my life! While that praise to Jesus is true don't let it fool you to think that I am in a 'happy' mood right now.

Things in the Foulkrod house have been turned upside down these last few days and along with it, my heart. I was "staying strong" until it all bubbled up and I broke down. I called my dad crying after I had an argument (which I never have) with my mom. Tension was high... and while my dad settled me down a bit, as I hung up the phone, I got a text. For some reason I follow this girl on twitter with whom I never am with in real life but her tweets are sent to my phone. Beautifully, oh so beautifully this is the tweet I received....

"Apart from Christ, I can do nothing." -John 15:5

If things get tough for you, and the emotional weight just wears you down and then keeps wearing you down... turn to Jesus. He is faithful. If you find yourself complaining inwardly or outwardly, stop yourself... and turn to Jesus. He wants to carry your burdens. If you don't know what to say to someone because the frustration is just overflowing... turn to Jesus. He gives strength, he gives words, he gives patience and he gives love.

Boy was I wrong in thinking I could live today by myself- apart from Jesus I can do nothing of worth for the kingdom. I am not a citizen of earth... I am living for eternity. Sometimes it's necessary to just stop and remember that.

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