Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do you.... feel??

So, today I discovered (with the help of one of my friend's) one of the COOLEST things ever. Seriously- it's awesome.

To preface, if you truly know me, you know that I am a feeler. Everything pulls at my heart strings and moves me... sometimes this is good, most times it feels weighty. However, there is this site that a man made dedicated to feelings. (Yes, that's right a MAN made it :P) Every time someone posts a feeling [examples shown below..] the website finds it and posts it for the public to see!

-I feel good.
-I feel bad.
-When so-and-so said ____ I felt mad.

While these are incredibly pathetic sentences, you get the point. The site is a conglomeration* of hourly feelings from all over the world... it's truly beautiful. When you stumble across somethings poetic and song-like you might even find tears in your eyes. Truly, it's worth checking out... The website is below!


I have more thoughts on this... I'll post more later :)) ....Until then,

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