Monday, December 12, 2011

Stored In Heaven

'Tis the season, isn't it?? ...The season of friends, family, lovejoypeacepatience....GIFTS. Yes, I love Christmas. But I love Christmas for what it truly is- a day that should bring people close together in celebration of the birth of a Savior- NOT because of materialism.

What is this??

I mean, most of the time the gift you buy you friends and family are out of obligation or completely un-thought provoked. So, not only are you buying gifts just to buy gifts but you're doing so UNthoughtfully. Does it get worse?

Or what about people getting wrapped up (every pun intended) in the competitive spirit? For instance, house decor, cookie competitions, biggest, bestest parties, ect.

I'd say that, in movie terms, the Griswold's are the perfect example in the movie "Christmas Vacation". A celebration of all the wrong things. Honestly, I don't want to down all these things- I mean, the true intentions of the ideas are fun and family oriented BUT what they've become in our culture can be destructive.

A while ago I posted a blog on fair trade and how many major companies don't enforce this. When you're buying gifts go to small businesses and support their endeavors. Order online at websites that are doing great things... There are some places that even donate money to Haiti relief the second you buy an item. Instead of wasting loads of electricity and decking your house out with lights, go iceskating with your family or bring gloves to the homeless (it's really cold outside if you haven't noticed:)). Take your time off and just love on people. Lift one another up. After all, that is why Jesus came to earth.

Jesus is the most perfect example of a people-lover and so, in order to honor him on HIS holiday (even though everyday is already his...but just go with it) let's love people well. Don't get tied up in the things that don't matter- instead, "store your treasures in heaven."

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