Thursday, December 29, 2011

To Do: Relax.

Okay, while I realize I haven't been the best example of this in my own life these past few months...the more out of control I feel the more I realize how quickly life floats away from our finger tips. It seems like your holding a certain event right in the palm of your hands and however you handle it, good or bad, it will, just like all the others, sift right through your fingers and remain only as a memory...sooner or later, it always does. Why ruin the memory by stressing, overreacting or making a bigger deal over things? How much better to just take a deep breath and chill out.

The above is added on to my forever long New Year's Resolutions List. That and finishing I seem to be deteriorating in my capacity to do so. Yikes.

If I don't blog before then... I hope you each a beautiful New Years. Pick your smooch strategically ;)

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