Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 14: Favorite Movie


Something you should know about me is... I love movies. For the most part I've cut technology (as much as I possibly could) out of my life, but seriously, let's get real... I could never stop watching movies. For me it's so fun (almost as fun as a book) to escape into the characters lives and see the way the director wants you to see things. Sometimes it gets a little tricky in Hollywood and you have to be able to differentiate between reality and possibilities.

My guilty pleasure is definitely chick-flicks. That's what {almost} my entire movie collection consists favorite being The Notebook, but only if I absolutely HAD to choose. The romance and story line, for some reason, is just irresistible to me. I can't really explain why. I mean for the most part, it goes against lots of things I believe in so I can't exactly justify the fact that it's my favorite although I really do wish I could.

Maybe I'm so drawn by the hopeless love Noah and Allie share.. Or the fact that Noah can't get on with his life because of the intensity of his feelings for her. They shared one summer and he was hooked on her- he could never let go. I love that he wrote her for 365 days. He had dedication and he was a man of his word. He had nothing and yet he could offer her everything; that was more than enough for her. There are so many incredibly well written can't help but quote them. I love the beauty that is created in the movie. I love the time period and the fashion, the fun. I love the way that they complete each other.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking that it's the kind of romance and love I want but then I realize that's a lie. While it's an incredible movie and I have yet to conquer my tears while watching it, I know that their love is fueled by worldly passion and attraction. A biblical romance is fueled by an overflow of Jesus' graciousness to his people by the beauty of marriage. Jesus wants marriage to be a mirror image of his love for the church. He wants us to *try* to understand his incredible and UNexplainable love for us by showing us togetherness between two people. Sadly, the world is slowly conquering marriage and damaging the loveliness it was intended to hold. Worldly desires that burn inside of men and women have distinguished the drive of pushing through the hard things of life together and separating the two by so many enticing things. Adultry. Lies. Weakness. Lack of leadership. Lack of submission. Feminism. Uncommitedness. Temptation.

These days I see marriages falling apart all around me and all I can think is to beg God that one day that won't be me. I pray that by God's grace I will be blessed (one day) with a man that desires God's best for the two of our lives, who lives in reckless abandonment in the freeness of Jesus' grace and fearlessly seeks to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus. I know that he's out there waiting for me and I just adore the thought of "one day." It's quite mind blowing to think that the Lord has prepared someone just for me and I just for him... I know that our relationship will be far from perfect, but I'm so not looking for perfect. I'm searching and seeking for real, for God's absolute best.

In the coming years for me and people my age, I know there will be so many distractions. So many people that seem like they fit the mold- "they're perfect!" but no. I challenge you and I challenge myself daily to search your heart, seek after God...ask him to guide you because after all, he knows the one. Don't be distracted by the potential, wait for the confirmed. There are so many things to do for the kingdom- focus on that. Fill your mind with everything pure and good because when you're on that track, you're right with God and when you're right with God, you can hear his voice the greatest...and when you can hear his voice, you'll know just what he's saying.

What a beautiful thing.

"Draw near to me and I will draw near to you."

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