Monday, December 5, 2011

(Day 5) Three Years Ago :2008:

Wow. I am marveled to think of how much has changed since only 3 years ago. Boy, do I look different (thankfully, no more braces. and, who woulda thought layers would do so much for someone's hair/overall look?!). I live in a different house... I would maybe even say that the person I am is quite different. The video below is my greatest friend all the way from kindergarten. We took Cotillion for 3 years.. starting in 4th grade- this video is from the beginning (Spring) of 2008. Looking back on this, even the way we talk is different... okay, so maybe EVERYTHING isn't that different but still- it feels like so much has changed. I know that the person I am is slightly different at the very least. When you grow up, or the MORE you grow up, the more you discover how much life really isn't about you. Not only do (and should you) come to that realization but I've seen how much better life truly is when you *don't* focus on yourself. Oh, life has been so good in these three years- I am just blown away.

If only I could possibly explain all the things I've 
                                          been blown away by...
                                                  been absolutely appalled at...
This list could just go on and on. I'm thankful for it all- so thankful to be alive and experiencing life. Hopefully I live to the fullest.

In 2008, I broke my arms.
This was completely life-defining.

Honestly. It was this huge wake up call that I needed to live on fire for something... not to be lukewarm on anything. I was passionate before this accident but afterward, I realized how much more I can do... how much different I could make the world if I wanted to. That I could seriously make a difference. So, I started pushing for it... Then Hope Reins came about and the deal was sealed. Hope Reins changed my pursuit of Jesus tenfold. Perfect timing :)
Just three years ago...

If nothing else, this makes me realize how much three years really is. When you don't really think about it, three seems like a small number- but it isn't. It's a whole lot of time. Seize the day! 

Here's to the next three :)

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