Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Simplify. And Be Joyful.

Hello friends,

About a week ago, I posted pictures of starving children, destitute. And disgusting water, liquid of which I would rather die and never drink than actually consume it. Throughout some research, I was left feeling absolutely horrid. Here, I am. I live in an incredible neighborhood, I'm surrounded by beautiful clean-cut people involved in ministry of various forms....but my question was: is it enough? Are the things that I'm doing enough? And what God has called me to?

I found the answer was repeatedly, no. So, naturally, I began to dig into the Word. I had this flame that started burning heatedly inside me...spurred on by the idea of Acts 2:42-47. The two verses that completely stunned me were "And all who believed were together and had all things in common. They were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all as any had need." Say what???? People would sell their things in order to care for others?

I read in a different version that the second part of that verse was, "and there was not ONE needy person among them." Now THAT is the power of Jesus. To unite a group of people, to give each such a heart for another that selfless acts would just come naturally. The Holy Spirit was ever present in this beautiful example of Christianity. Of TRUE Christianity. And my question for myself was: Why am I content to not seek that outlook on my fellow people? Why am I not willing to part with my *stuff* in order to mend a need in my fellow brother's or sister's lives?

Anyways, the Lord is ever-fueling my heart to change my lifestyle in such a way that it dramatically points directly to him and his goodness in my life. I want to become more and more dependent upon him for my daily bread... I want to be simple.

It's so cool how God works, isn't it? So many things seemed to collide at one time in order to reveal this crazy idea that the Holy Spirit had given me... First, a few weeks ago... I became so burdened on how dependent I had become on the whole fashion scene. Spending enormous amounts of time in my closet, in front of the mirror, and money ect. ect. It really hurt me. I had never wanted that for myself. And yet, here I was. How? Why? ...Because I was focus, so focused on outward adornment. So, I wroten to express my anxiety over succumbing to things i never wanted in my journal and then, the next day... I read a quick five pages of this book entitled "7"... it's where a lady simplifies her life to 7 of something- 7 foods, 7 clothes...and so on. And third. It hit me. Stop with the excess.

So, NOW, here I am. 40 days. I shall survive on ten pieces of clothing. Yes. Ten. And I'm on my 3rd day of this... Honestly, it's been pretty great thus far. I don't have to choose out of a whole closet on what to wear. I can choose between two t-shirts (both are conveniently Orphan's Heart tshirts..), two long sleeve thermals, a hoodie, two pairs of jeans, sweat pants and then a nice skirt and shirt.

My precious clothes. And on top of this, I have my cowboy boots (all purpose), tennis shoes (so I can still work out) and some pretty chill dress shoes. <--- only shoes for the next 40 days. Sadly, this is the most painful part.

But this doesn't stop with my clothes. Every 40 days I have another part of my life that I want to simplify. But, not only do I want to simplify my life, I want to give to those who are needy in the areas I'm giving up during those 40 days. Currently, I'm still researching where exactly and how exactly I need to give but.. I really want to make a difference through this.

It seems like wealthier people have a harder time giving drastically because there is simply no comprehension of just how much most of the people in our world don't have. In order to be able to relate more, I want to have less...and then know that it means THAT much more when I give. And my heart's desire is to give..and be abundant with that.

I'm so ready to see how much my heart is changed from this experiment...and maybe just how much others' change also.

As Always,

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