Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Simplify. And Be Joyful.

Hello friends,

About a week ago, I posted pictures of starving children, destitute. And disgusting water, liquid of which I would rather die and never drink than actually consume it. Throughout some research, I was left feeling absolutely horrid. Here, I am. I live in an incredible neighborhood, I'm surrounded by beautiful clean-cut people involved in ministry of various forms....but my question was: is it enough? Are the things that I'm doing enough? And what God has called me to?

I found the answer was repeatedly, no. So, naturally, I began to dig into the Word. I had this flame that started burning heatedly inside me...spurred on by the idea of Acts 2:42-47. The two verses that completely stunned me were "And all who believed were together and had all things in common. They were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all as any had need." Say what???? People would sell their things in order to care for others?

I read in a different version that the second part of that verse was, "and there was not ONE needy person among them." Now THAT is the power of Jesus. To unite a group of people, to give each such a heart for another that selfless acts would just come naturally. The Holy Spirit was ever present in this beautiful example of Christianity. Of TRUE Christianity. And my question for myself was: Why am I content to not seek that outlook on my fellow people? Why am I not willing to part with my *stuff* in order to mend a need in my fellow brother's or sister's lives?

Anyways, the Lord is ever-fueling my heart to change my lifestyle in such a way that it dramatically points directly to him and his goodness in my life. I want to become more and more dependent upon him for my daily bread... I want to be simple.

It's so cool how God works, isn't it? So many things seemed to collide at one time in order to reveal this crazy idea that the Holy Spirit had given me... First, a few weeks ago... I became so burdened on how dependent I had become on the whole fashion scene. Spending enormous amounts of time in my closet, in front of the mirror, and money ect. ect. It really hurt me. I had never wanted that for myself. And yet, here I was. How? Why? ...Because I was focus, so focused on outward adornment. So, I wroten to express my anxiety over succumbing to things i never wanted in my journal and then, the next day... I read a quick five pages of this book entitled "7"... it's where a lady simplifies her life to 7 of something- 7 foods, 7 clothes...and so on. And third. It hit me. Stop with the excess.

So, NOW, here I am. 40 days. I shall survive on ten pieces of clothing. Yes. Ten. And I'm on my 3rd day of this... Honestly, it's been pretty great thus far. I don't have to choose out of a whole closet on what to wear. I can choose between two t-shirts (both are conveniently Orphan's Heart tshirts..), two long sleeve thermals, a hoodie, two pairs of jeans, sweat pants and then a nice skirt and shirt.

My precious clothes. And on top of this, I have my cowboy boots (all purpose), tennis shoes (so I can still work out) and some pretty chill dress shoes. <--- only shoes for the next 40 days. Sadly, this is the most painful part.

But this doesn't stop with my clothes. Every 40 days I have another part of my life that I want to simplify. But, not only do I want to simplify my life, I want to give to those who are needy in the areas I'm giving up during those 40 days. Currently, I'm still researching where exactly and how exactly I need to give but.. I really want to make a difference through this.

It seems like wealthier people have a harder time giving drastically because there is simply no comprehension of just how much most of the people in our world don't have. In order to be able to relate more, I want to have less...and then know that it means THAT much more when I give. And my heart's desire is to give..and be abundant with that.

I'm so ready to see how much my heart is changed from this experiment...and maybe just how much others' change also.

As Always,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thoughts Towards V-day

So, to be honest and completely unfiltered. Valentine's Day is 100% over-rated. BUT I feel like if I were to just leave at that, you might wonder why and never stumble upon the answer... in order to save you from scrambling your mind for hours and hours without beholding an answer, I would like to complain to you.... is it okay if I complain?

While the sentiment is nice, the poems often cheesy and the day full of Wolf Pack red, I suppose I just have a problem with celebrating something that should be celebrated every day. *Notonlythat, but so many times love isn't even represented correctly!!!! Now, if that won't get the steam coming out, I don't know what will!

You see, love is a  verb. Not a noun.
Love is not something you fall into, but something you choose daily.
It's not easily taken away...because when you love someone, you risk anything for them.
Now, when I say you risk anything for them, I mean that sometimes, you even risk your friendship. I know, I know, sounds odd... doesn't really click in the brain? But, I mean it. Yes, in order to truly love someone, risks are involved. Heartbreak, absolute. Tears, unavoidable. It all comes with love.. but that's why it's all the harder to say those words, "I love you." 

I guess I just don't understand how it is so easy to say them now. Do thirteen year olds in a "first relationship" really know what it means when they say Do you really know what it means when you say it to a family member? Do you throw those words around?

I feel like those three words should come with a warning tag claiming, "use sparingly".... but when you do love someone say it all the time... revel in the beauty of it. Love is a verb. Not in the sense of sex. But in the sense of action. It's patient. Kind. No record keeping. Never withdrawn. Always there. Verbs. Verbs. Verbs.

As Always,

*Yes, I know this is not usually one word but that's how I thought it... i figured to write it correctly would merely be cheating my thoughts.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The more I see my life pass by, the more I see how I live a life of excess. Not only do I live a life of excess, but I'm not very extreme. Okay, seriously. The past two words I just admitted make me cringe. Two things I never want to be known by. Two things I never want to live a life of. And yet, I am and I do... if not to others, to myself.

So tonight, I was thinking to myself, "How can I change that?" I came up with two brilliant ideas
1)Cut the excess!
2)Be extreme!
Then (because I want to be extreme) I united the two into one thought. Cut your excess in an extreme way. I realize that this is a very vague post, one that will most likely leave you thinking, "huh?"...but, just know that I know exactly where I'm going with this. You must hold me accountable and over the next few months I want to cut back on a few areas of my life in such a way that it really hurts...that it really makes me think, pause and realize how much of the world experiences less than my "extreme less."

So, dear blog friends. I will keep you in the loop on just where the path of these next months will be leading me after I kind of get a handle on my insanity. By the end on the week, I will have a schedule, month-by-month on what I will be cutting back on and my goals with it... I have no idea on time frames here either; so I'll be thinking of that, too.

But to leave you with a few more pictures....

In 2010, there were 925 million hungry people in this world. Just in case you can't grasp that number, let me spell it out for you.... nine-hundred-twenty-five million people. Human lives. Just in case you don't get it yet, there are 28 letters in that number... that's one heck of a sad number.
 So, most the world is hungry and starving... (if that doesn't phase you, please go find a heart) and over 884 million people, again, we're talking about human beings here...just like you and me, remember.. have UNsafe DRINKING water. They can't even drink water. Tragic is a total understatement.

So, do you promise? Do you promise to hold me to whatever crazy schemes I decide to implement in order to realize the excess in my life? How about you? Will you join me in some way shape or form?? ...I'll leave you to think about it. I know, it's TOUGH.

As Always,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Drama, Drama, Drama

Do you ever feel like this?? It's a bit dramatic, huh? But, I mean, by golly! aren't I allowed to be dramatic every once in awhile? Also, it's totally chicken excuse the sketch but, a girl's gotta let out emotion somewhere...

I actually did this a few months ago..while I was in some kind of class lecture. I don't remember what kind of day it was exactly, but obviously, I was feeling quite ready to pull my hair out. It's rather upsetting when you're a control freak, you know. Not only does it upset others, but it upsets me... like all the time. There are times when I'm so mad that things aren't going my way that I start finding reasonable things that no one could take away from me... Did I say reasonable? I mean completely unreasonable. I mean, the whole idea behind this drawing alone shows unreasonableness. Where, oh where is my reason?

How could I expect things to go my way? Or be in my control? I don't know how I could, but obviously, I did and I still do...

The odd thing is, sometimes I can totally just go with the flow- who cares? kind of attitude. Then sometimes one big thing gets to me and then the things that are out of control pile up and I just feel suffocated. It's daunting. Upsetting. I hate that feeling.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Carrot Fries, Anyone?

Just thought I'd share my new crazy find. It's a super yummy snack, by the way... or side dish? Anyways, have you ever considered why "fries" are only made of some kind of potatoes? Well, wonder no more. Today I made carrot fries... seriously.

6 (or more or less) Carrots
2 Tbsp. of Olive Oil
Sea Salt / Pepper

Cut up the carrots (i halved them and then cut them into fourths, long ways), throw them in a bowl, drizzle olive oil, add salt and pepper. Cook on 425 for 25-30 minutes.... depending on the crunchiness you like. Personally, I would have made mine more crunchy- but there's always next time :)

As Always,
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Happy day! I am now on Bloglovin... please follow me there if you haven't already followed my blog :)

As Always,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do you ever just sit on your front porch all alone under a huge roof that reaches out to shelter you from the beautiful rain falling all around you? On those kinds of nights do you sit on a bench that you and your mom stopped to buy on the side of a highway at a random junk shop because you knew, after it was painted the perfect shade, it would look just perfect on your porch? The one you bought on that summer day while laughing after riding your beautiful horse? Do you ever sit and drink tea, ponder your thoughts and shiver...even though you have a blanket on? ...oh, you don't? hm.

Well, here I sit thinking of all of the above and also pondering my day...and the people who are watching me as I sit under a lit porch, night time, in the pink, zip up, bunny footy pajamas and what they are thinking. It was quite an eventful day. One that I wish never happened. You see, are you ever aware of a terrible situation that is occurring to someone that you love so dearly and yet, you know that you can do nothing about it? Of course you least if you've ever loved anybody.

You can't help but feel completely helpless when this occurs. It's obvious you can do nothing. You can control nothing. Or so I thought. This morning, when I realized one of my sweet sister's world was caving in all around her, I felt that way; I felt despair. Then, the thought came- or maybe it was given- to me that no! i was not helpless! I could pray.

pray continually;

Continually be prayerful.

pray without ceasing,
pray unceasingly;
continually pray ye;
Do you get it? Pray. I can't believe I was such an idiot and thought I could do nothing... of course I could do nothing!!!! Nothing except mope... BUT I know that and trust that the Lord of the Universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, the One who created me, hears my words- not only that, but he does something with them... he listens. He knows my desires maybe even more than I because he is the one who has it all planned out. Not only does he listen, but HE is the one who has control over the situation, what happens; he will work it for his good. 

You know, sometimes I write on this site in order for myself to believe the words I see in front of my face. Unfortunately I don't always comply with what I write. So don't start thinking I got it all together- that's the least I have. But I know I don't have it all together and that's more than a lot of other people can say. I'm just glad that Jesus makes up for all my shortcomings. He promises. And I know he's faithful. That, my friends, I believe with all that I am.

As Always,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I've Found Myself Attached To This Railroad Track

Band: First Aid Kit
Genre: Folk
Favorite Album: The Big Black & The Blue
Favorite Song: Ghost Town (lyric above)

I'm such a huge fan of folk. Everything folk. All day every day. But not so much the old kind of folk. I like the new stuff. These sisters were quite relaxing to listen to. I had my [panties in a wad(1)] over a certain situation and this music calmed me down quite immediately. I can't exclaim just how much I admire the stories that artists put in their songs. You can tell that theirs are truly from the heart- how incredible. What a gift. Stories communicated through passionate songs... there is possibly nothing better. Well, of course there is something better, but you know what I mean.

(1) The expression "panties in a wad"- alluding to the fact of frustration over something that doesn't matter an incredulous amount.

As Always,