Thursday, October 6, 2011

Slavery Exists. Pop Your Bubble.

So, how cool is this??

In my adv. logic course, we have to write a weekly analysis on a current event and convey the writers argument in a logical syllogism. I thought I'd hate this- but I've grown to love it. It gives me an excuse to peruse through the news and catch up with what's happening without feeling like I somehow wasted time by not working on my 100 other things. Long story short: I stumbled upon an article about manufacturing slavery that is happening right now over in parts of Asia or pretty much any third world country. This particular article was based on the story of three women who were stuck in Malaysia because the factory manager wouldn't give them their passports until they paid an enormous fine. Of course, these girls were stuck. They couldn't possibly pay the bill with the minimum earnings they were receiving. It's a catch 22. There's no way out. Therefore, it's slavery.

slavery  (ˈsleɪvərɪ) 
— n
1.the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship. whereby one person has absolute
 power over another andcontrols his life, liberty, and fortune

Yup. ^The above story is definitely slavery by definition of the term 'slavery.'

Now I bet you're guessing- "Okay, Anna. How on earth is this story cool in any way, shape or form???" Hold your horses!! The cool part is this: 

While blogstalking, I stumbled upon this website. Super cool, huh? Their mission is quite great... so check it out! Also, I so loved what they were doing that I bought a t-shirt and bracelet. I'm a sucker for passionate people doing great things. But, I think what made the biggest impact on me was their logo:

Love naively. Give generously. Be foolishly compassionate.


Michael Bojanski said...

Just perusing per your FB request. I saw this same article on CNN. Interesting to think about that something so "old-fashioned" is happening to such a great extent in our world. We seem to just want to close our eyes and make the problem go away.

Quacky said...

The video of the girl talking is great. Especially the part where she says: "Just because these people are countries away it does not mean that they are not real people." :P