Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No More Limitations...

This beautiful year is just soaring by...and I know that I'm not doing a great job with keeping my technological buddies in the loop :) but, i mean, when you're this far out, like i am, how on earth could i catch you up? I have learned that one day in this life is so fleeting, so quick and so, so wonderful. Life is something to be taken advantage of. Live it.

While i haven't been updating my blog, i have been keeping myself in the loop of my own feelings in other ways...yes, blogging helps me see my true feelings while I'm writing- it's quite cool..

I have been journaling more than ever and let me tell you, it is SO great. If you don't journal, start. It's almost become an obsession. Honestly, I think i like it so much because I love my thick, bright yellow, linen journal- it's perfectly me...and makes me smile even if i'm writing something gloomy.

I start my days with an encouraging note from God's Word and then I end it by reading something inspiring. Recently, I've been reading through Poe's incredible poetry (i bought his entire collection on a mad whim... :0) I'm really enjoying the beauty... not just in his poetry but in his heart. He opens my eyes to see how beautiful things are that I never even considered before... it's good to have your eyes opened- i'll let them get as wide as they can.

Of course, there's always that school work that I must keep up with, also. But, I'm even finding enjoyment in that! Now that pumpkin spice lattes and orange cinnamon fills the air, everything seems okay.

There has also been a plethera of projects taking up my free time... Will be posting those soon.

P.S. I know that, in the past, my blog has been known for it's deep thoughts... and I do still have those thoughts- it just gets harder to share them. I would love for this space to transition towards anything that strikes my fancy. Sometimes I will be philosophical other times I'll post something that I've been working on or projects I love...goals that I've set for myself, hopes, dreams, travels- you name it, i want to write it. I don't want to feel limited.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up! :)

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