Sunday, September 18, 2011

Something New TO DO:

DO: One thing at a time, STOP: Multitasking.
How busy is our world? So busy, right? So, I'm simply recommending you stop and do just one thing at a time- breath. When you're out to eat with friends let your mind be completely there with them, totally in the moment. When you're taking a phone call, stop scrolling the browser- just listen and truly hear what they have to say. If you're on an adventure, be fully on an adventure.

The more I see our world and want to be separated from it- the more I'm disturbed by how little our minds can focus. This is even true with me and especially regarding my quiet time. The struggle it is to organize my thoughts during that time is a sure sign that I'm a multi-tasking addict. I can't believe that I've gotten myself into such a place where even just reading God's Word requires a constant determination of refocus.

I want to stop the multi-tasking now. I want to live in this moment, right in front of me. I know that I can't do that while I'm surrounded by technology- so, if you're the same way I am... just do yourself and everyone else- but mostly yourself- a favor and part with your technology more often. I promise it's freeing.  Realize you're a multi-tasking addict and get help :)

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