Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In Everything...

Are you able to thank the Lord in the midst of change? Are you a change agent or someone who likes to just stay where they're at?

This morning, I was thinking of the many seasons we go through... not just emotionally or figuratively but I'm talking physically. We go through Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. As I was making my oatmeal and coffee, I was thinking of how I would never make myself oatmeal in the heat of Summer...nor would I want hot coffee. I would definitely want something cooler. Then in the dead of Winter, I have a cornbag on my feet while I work or in my bed while I sleep, but I know that in the Spring I (most likely) won't.

The question I stumbled upon while thinking these thoughts was: if our bodies were created to endure changes in the environment and atmosphere on the outside, why are we so opposed to change inwardly?
I think it's safe to say that most are diametrically opposed to change. but WHY?

Now, to dig into it on a figurative or emotional level.


If the flowers aren't afraid to bloom in Spring- why would it even be a thought of ours to not bloom when called? Maybe Jesus is telling you that this is the time to step up and excel further in the area he's given you. Take on more challenges, fill up your schedule... take out 'me' time and put in more 'others' time.

Or in regards to Summer- are you frolicking through enough fields? It could be that you need your child-like eyes, again. “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10: 15) Are you childlike? Jesus loves a childlike faith. One with fresh creative eyes unaware of the self-conciousness that takes over as the years roll by...


How bout the beautiful fall?? Do you know what the leaves are actually preparing for when they change their beautiful colors?? Death. The trees are preparing themselves for the cold harsh winter so, they shine their leaves in brilliance for a few weeks and then shake them onto the ground. Have you ever had something enter your life that you were sure wouldn't last long? Oft times when we realize something won't be in our lives for long we, unfortunately, don't give it as much attention... so, maybe, if you're in the Fall of your life, you aren't clinging to what God has given you for a season because you're afraid of when it will be taken away. But, when you allow that fear to trickle into your heart, just remember that the trees are the most beautiful in the Fall- they aren't afraid of Winter.


Or, the dreaded winter. In poetry or any kind of lyric, winter is rarely talked about as a carefree period of time- instead, it's more careFUL than any other. Sometimes it feels like you're walking on eggs shells (or snow...with bare feet :)) when you round a winter stage. It can be hard- there's no doubt about it. But remember, when you're in winter, that your past seasons have been beautiful and that they will come again. Cling to Jesus- and he will get you through.

I love it that God's creation can be a direct correlation to our own souls- He is a beautiful One, isn't he?

1 comment:

BBShaffer said...

I love what you have written here and the things that you are thinking through as you continue to follow after Christ!

Change is hard because we fear the unknown and refuse to trust in the One who has all of the answers.

I heard a pastor once say the the enemy of "greatness" is not "mediocrity" or "insignificance" but "good." It is in the "good" times that we tend to settle and get comfortable missing out on the "greatness" that God has for us!