Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where Quantity Matters and Quality Lacks

Yes, this is the truth. For years and years my wonderful dad has dragged my mother and I to this food trough. Now, not to offend anyone who actually enjoys this place (such as my father, brother and Abby) but, let's face it... this place not only has no nutritional value but it's atmosphere/experience is rather lacking as well.

However, I do not want to completely shed this place in a dark light. I have incredible memories here. Tonight happened to be one of the best. For the record, the mumbling I provide, the complaining that ensues following the topic of "Golden Corral," only provides more dynamics to the whole restaurant selection process. Truth is, we probably make it here only once a year...if that shows you just how much complaining I do at the very mention.

But the laughter is priceless. It touches my soul. Apparently only this deep, awesome laughter can only occur over fattening food and a neon light environment. At the same time, it was kind of somber... The fact that my brother is leaving just kills me. I hate to put a damper on the pseudo comedic post, but in 6 months, my brother will be in Ohio. 8 hours away. Gah. Overwhelming sadness. Boo.

Who will be the one to add an awkward silence? A ridiculous wit that will make anyone fall off their seat? I'll never hear his specific pitter-patter when he walks in the squeaky garage door while humming some crazy tune...at least for a few months spread at a time. Who will be the one to shed a rational light on my irrational emotions or tearful situations? The one to give me the few and far between hugs that happen to come in the perfect timing...meaning all the more.

Boy, oh boy. I am ecstatic about the places he is going with his life- I could not be more proud. But selfishly, I wish we could leave at the exact same time... touch base over phone when we're experiencing similar college experiences, maybe I could call him when I'm slightly homesick and he might be able to (possibly, if I caught him on a bad day) relate. BUT. No. He will be leaving a year early. He will happen to experience a totally different year then I will and for the first time ever, we will not share a roof, nor food, nor nightly laughter, nor friends.

Here's for an extremely busy senior year. I figure if I stay busy enough I might not blunder on the fact, the realization, that I won't be seeing one of my best friends for months. Sounds like a healthy solution.. am I right, or am I right??

(amazing what good ole memories Golden Corral can bring to mind...)

As Always,

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