Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh, 4am Is the Time When You Were Mine Frozen in Deepest Sleep

So, in order to start being productive with my 2012 goals and, being the multi-tasker that I am, I decided to kill THREE birds with one stone. No violence, of course. Today I have
1)Discovered a new band
2)Made a new recipe for lunch
3)AND (drum role please) blogged about it!

Now I will expound upon the first two... I'm hoping that the third is rather self-explanatory and doesn't need my assistance.

Okay, for the first. My new band. Envision this: I'm on youtube just clicking on one of my favorite songs... when I look up the lyrics for it ( i like to read the lyrics, every time for every song- weird habit ) I see the original writer so naturally I look up her songs. Then I realize that another one of her songs is actually a cover for another which point click on their band! and then BAM. I fell in love. No really, I did. And of course I am now well versed in all of their songs...(no pun intended)

Band: Cherry Ghost
Genre: Indie Rock
Favorite Album: Beneath This Burning Shoreline
Fav Song: 4am (line from the song is blog post:))

So, now that I had a totally rad band to listen to... I had to check something off the list and get cookin'! I came to the conclusion that I just don't know why brussel sprouts have such a bad rep with kids. They are positively delicious. And easy as 1-2-3. (Picture courtesy of Abby's camera and my mad skills..ha.)
Steam sprouts for 5-7 mins. Cut into fourths. Sear in frying pan and add olive oil/sea salt. I made a simple balsamic reduction (due to the suggestion of another blog I read) and added it to the mix. I then added some spices----> from the Savory Spice Shoppe :) ...yum. It was such a delightful lunch. You should try it!

As Always,

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