Thursday, May 20, 2010

~Unmistakably Beautiful~

Here I am in Oregon. Its gorgeous here. It's an escape... a breather. A break from my busy life. I am completely and utterly being refreshed and my soul.. it is well. Its so interesting what sticks out to you. Usually when I go into things I already feel like I know what will impact or move my heart...however, this time I've been very wrong.
The horse property we've been spending our time on is breath-taking...serene. Its really just a place of God. A place of beauty! The classes have been amazing- truly encouraging. BUT the most touching part was this woman. She is truly beautiful. You know you must think I'm a freak for saying that but God has just laid beauty on my heart. Ha, some of you have heard my, "everyone is beautiful" shpeel but recently God has changed that into... I can be beautiful. Not the beautiful of the world.. Im talking the beautiful of God.
The thing is.. This lady's beauty wasnt just something that I saw- its something EVERYone saw. She shines from the inside and it makes her positively radiant on the outside. The vulnerability she has to offer is astounding. Her truly feminine heart, touching.
Why are women these days so closed off? Why am I afraid to be vulnerable? Dont we know that WE were made in the image of the GOD of the UNIVERSE? If we were made in his image than how, HOW can we not know how incredible it is to be who he created us to be? soft, sweet, endearing, kind, yet on fire, passionate, loving... impactful.
Just a few weeks ago I really drew myself in for some reason. I didnt stop being real I just feel like I stopped being vulnerable. You see, when you live in a state of vulnerability your constantly aware of an attack. The enemy can attack your heart, your soul, and definitely your mind. He did mine... and I had to repent from that. How many opportunities did I loose because I didnt trust HIM to protect me? I was truly caught up in MYself... but through that I wasnt at peace because I wasnt being who God, Himself, calls me to be.
I really feel like this was God's gift to me... O, I am SO thankful he's here to guide my path! To show me it OK to cry when something touches your heart- tears of joy or tears of sorrow. Its OK to humbly kneel before your God even though your thoughts are "what will they think of me?". Its OK... to follow the Spirit. I think that each one of us who has the Holy Spirit is probed by Him differently, and that is amazing! but I think true beauty remains the same no matter what. I think that when you see someone who you know is walking humbly with their God and kneeling worshipingly (go ahead and add that one to my dictionary too) before his AWEsome throne- I think THAT is what is captivating and THAT is unmistakably beautiful.

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