Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Do:

To Do: Find a Role Model

In today's culture I think "role models" have been compromised because people started imitating them instead of learning from them. If you're imitating someone, you're not being yourself nor are you looking up to someone else- you're becoming them. So to clarify the words role model:
     {def.}A person you look up to, admire and would like to learn from.

*Who are you imitating?
*Who are you learning from?
*Who are you aiming to be?

Obviously Jesus is my ultimate role model but today I've stumbled upon the fact that I would like to be like Joshua....the one from the bible. Recently I've been reading the book in the bible named after him that contains his life story. I have been in constant awe at the ways he pursued the Lord. Nothing stopped him and upon sin, he fell to his knees dying inside because he was convinced of the mighty power of the God he served. He was dedicated to his mission- unswervingly. He led his people- unwaveringly. But, most of all, he served the Lord- whole heartedly.

*Who is your role model?

1 comment:

Quacky said...

My role model is James Bond (: