Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So, I don't think I've written anything in the past months besides research papers and essays. that being said...I'm not completely confident I know how to write MY own thoughts any more...but I will definitely try.
You know what has been consuming my thoughts lately, what has deeply troubled my heart, and makes me feel far, far away? Idolatry and then, Truth. These two completely opposite words have been challenging me beyond words.
First, I think I should start with Idolatry- it has completely surrounded my life. To be frank and honest, I never saw how much had creeped in that was taking away from God's glory. I was so blinded by these sins that I was used to them...isn't it scary when that happens? it scares me when there were things between my Savior and I that I didn't even realize...or notice. rude awakening! all i can think is~ how hurtful! i mean, doesn't it just kill you when someone says over and over what they'll do for you but they always fail to do it? that's what it's like with us and God. We're constantly telling him how we will change our ways, come closer to him, lay down our burdens, ect. but then we fail and forget to follow through. i know that i just get wrapped up in the world and forget... i forget that Jesus is there waiting for me. he actually waits for ME...and he waits patiently. arg. so if only things would just be perfect already and i would have the relationship i long to have with my Savior..flawless. when will that day come?
Second...Truth. What's even worse than the Idolatry all around us is the complete and utter lack of truth. People don't even know how to give a definition for the word. tragic, to say the least. It's tragic that Creation doesn't even know what the Creator came for...
" I was born and came into the world to testify to truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true." ~John 18:37
As I began to take my stance on how terrible it was that people didn't know an unwavering definition for truth i took a look at my "definition" and there realized i was a hypocrite and couldn't give that kind of definition either. now, isn't that insanely troubling? So, think. If we are here to represent Christ in everything we do, yet, we have no idea what the never-changing always consistent definition of truth is and Jesus came to be THE truth and testify to truth then how can we be what we are supposed to be and be it well? you can read that major run-on question again if you like....its a toughy, isn't it?
at the end of my thoughts i found my definition: Jesus.
Jesus is the only Truth and what he says is truth (like he, himself explains). Thankfully, God's word never changes and it...is Truth. So, there i go! an unwavering definition of truth.

Unfortunately, world doesn't take too kindly to that definition...

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