Tuesday, August 17, 2010

O how he loves....

1) I wanted to say I'm so sorry it has been SO SO SO long. I just haven't known what to say..until now. :)
2) What's been absolutely intriguing to me today has been this God... Who is SO, indescribably big and His incredibly wordless artwork.. I would really like to share it with you

First... this is our planet EARTH. You know those days when you think "o,well its just another day." I would like to interject with FALSE! The earth is moving at one THOUSAND miles per an hour. That alone makes it completely unordinary.. but if you just take.a.look.around. If you just take a moment to see the glorious rays of sun beaming through the stunningly green leaves on the forest of trees surrounding you. Or if you take a glimpse at the contrast between the green grass and blue sky...that aren't really even those colors. Or how just seeing someone burst out in laughter...how can you not laugh too?

ONE THOUSAND lite years AWAY from our earth is the whole Milky Way Galaxy.. Look, can you even see the sun? Somewhere in there..in that beautiful mess.. is Earth. Do you see how BIG my God is? But wait...he gets EVEN bigger.

 X  Structure at Core of Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

About 23 million lite years away is this.. This is the Whirlpool Galaxy and its something that has touched me and brought me to tears ever since a saw it a few years ago. Isnt this just the most stunning thing you have ever seen? Is His love just not incredible? I can just see God (at least this is how I envision it :)) waiting up in heaven saying.. you think that's beautiful wait, see what I have next for you to see. How MIGHTY is HE? How romantic? How moving? How inspiring? He just is.... and He LOVES us... The one who made these hugely mouth dropping things chooses to love us wee lil things.

He just wants us.. He wants us to follow Him and only Him. He wants us to choose to love Him back. He wants us to have a REAL relationship with Him. mmmm, Just stop and think. Think about his glory..soak yourself in it. Its good for the soul :)

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