Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hasta Pronto....

For the past two weeks I've been in Antigua, Guatemala.... stunning. The first week was incredible and all was amazing but a new team flew in this Sunday (the old one flew out and my mom and I with a few other friends stayed) and I kid you not... this was one of the most impactful weeks of my life. I've never not wanted to go home SO badly. For once in my life, I sincerely don't know how to put what I'm feeling into words. Buuuut, for your sake- I'll try.

The kids- o, how can I capture a picture of their beauty? Their joy is just IMENSE. Its absolutely, just insane to see the stunning smiles of these children. These children who just happen to have no-thi-ng. Not just the kind of nothing we would say in the US.. I mean nothing. Nothing as in they have so much nothingness that they haven't eaten in weeks. That makes me want to just rot. OOO!!!! But, how they can smile! A smile that says "its okay." "look! Now, I AM eating..and thats all that matters." Every moment my heart was stolen, again. Constantly there was something to laugh about or smile about. JUST INCREDIBLE.

I don't want to get on that plane tomorrow morning and leave this place...this home.

My new familia- 5 days... 5 days is all it took to be seen, understood... loved. Is it possible to actually "get" people after such a short amount of time and to be "gotten"? I never thought so... let me enlighten you now on my new view. When Jesus Christ is the first thing you find in common with someone, the first thing you get to talk about and the reason you even had met each other its like you automatically have a breath-taking bond. To deeply love people you know deeply love you is something that really is breath-taking. and O! The laughing. We were complete maniacs --- and i wouldn't want it ANY other way. So many memories but you know what I found resounding in my head? "Anna, isn't it so hard to love? Isn't it hard to put your heart out there to people who you won't be with again?" the answer was... 100% yes. It is so hard. But, I never come back empty handed. To have an easy love for people and MY Lord is worth it, tenfold.

I don't want to go "home". Nope, I sure don't. Its totally true... I have never NOT wanted to leave somewhere so badly. I adore it here- completely and utterly. It's so---- easy here. SO durn easy. When do I get to say life is easy? Isn't the saying "life's hard"? Well, here, at this moment, right now, its easy. It's NOT comfortable but its sooooo easy! Am I being redundant? The reason I think its so easy is because it simple (thought I'd bring a synonym in there for you). I am here, out of my zone, serving MY Lord with these incredible people. How much better does it get? Not much...

Just thought I'd give you guys a heads-up on my approaching depression (: I might be needing some chocolate- hint, hint. OR a ticket to Guat... Actually, both of those are a joke. But there is something I would like to ask you to do. Something I've never asked for before but I just really feel the need for it. Would you pray for me? Would you please beg God to give me strength, endurance and joy? and most of all, Would you pray that Jesus will change me? that he will change me to be the person he plans for me to be.

(in case the spelling is horrible.. i have an excuse. The spell check here is only for, forgive me if there are misspellings.)

1 comment:

Justin and Gi said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I will pray for you tonight as I make the drive home...that Jesus would be your treasure and that you would seek Him with your whole heart. God Bless on your future journeys into Christ's richness.