Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Say Thank You!

Today is a day that we should all be thankful for those who serve our great country so that we may have the freedom that many people don't have! Its the Marine birthday... and just recently I've realized how I almost never stop to thank the people I see in uniform.What's almost worse than that is when I came this realization and started to thank everyone for serving our country (people in the military, firefighters,policemen) they are almost surprised. The fact that they are surprised to be thanked and pratically taken of gaurd hurts me because I see that they are not thanked as much as they should be. If someone is going to risk their life for my safety I should thank them. Anyways, please thank those that protect us and our beautiful, free country! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love both your posts! You are such an insightful young lady and I am so proud of you!!! I love you!