Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quote of My Day...

So I still have more to say about feelings.. But, I found this quote a few days ago and it's simply beautiful.

"We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak with our own          minds...A nation of men will for the first time exist because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul, which also inspires all men." -Emerson

Gotta love that guy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do you.... feel??

So, today I discovered (with the help of one of my friend's) one of the COOLEST things ever. Seriously- it's awesome.

To preface, if you truly know me, you know that I am a feeler. Everything pulls at my heart strings and moves me... sometimes this is good, most times it feels weighty. However, there is this site that a man made dedicated to feelings. (Yes, that's right a MAN made it :P) Every time someone posts a feeling [examples shown below..] the website finds it and posts it for the public to see!

-I feel good.
-I feel bad.
-When so-and-so said ____ I felt mad.

While these are incredibly pathetic sentences, you get the point. The site is a conglomeration* of hourly feelings from all over the world... it's truly beautiful. When you stumble across somethings poetic and song-like you might even find tears in your eyes. Truly, it's worth checking out... The website is below!

I have more thoughts on this... I'll post more later :)) ....Until then,

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello T-Swizzle :)

So, I realize most of these posts have been quite surface level-ish recently but I just have to tell you about my T-Swizzle experience!!

Okay, so to preface this whole experience, my lovely friend, Rachel Miller, called me early Thursday morning and with a screaming tone (over the phone) explaining the tickets she found and how cheap they were and that they would be a perfect girl's night out. I completely agreed. After some jumping around and laughing as we thought of the potential fun we would have, we decided to buy four tickets. perfect. beeeesides the fact that my dear friend isn't the most detail oriented person :) So. When we got to the amphitheater, we looked at the tickets (we were quite grateful that our tickets even made it through security... with our luck the tickets most likely were fraud) and guess where we were sitting? Section 307, row F.

If you can't exactly visualize where that is... here is a picture

The stage mostly was on the left where it's purple and says "student seating" - however, the plus side to these seats were that as we squinted our eyes just right, cocked our heads a little to the left and focused really, really hard, we got an awesome side profile of Taylor and all her back-up dancers/vocalists!!!

No, but really, it was an awesome night- one that I'm sure we'll remember for years and years and maybe we'll even tell our kids about our crazy night singing ridiculously, hopelessly romantic love songs about heartbreak. Good memories.

 Nick was jealous he didn't get to go.... poor guy :(
 I think this was actually a zoomed in view- lol
 In real life, the set truly did look like a fairy tale... quite lovely
A floating balcony? Psh. 

BUT THEN. To make the week even better----> NC State WON A GAME!!!! My dad is an alumni at state and so of course we had to go the the homecoming game which was against Clemson (who I believe was ranked 6th...until State creamed them.)

 I know, what a lovely picture....


^These pictures were pre-game- The whole family was flipping out post-win.... I'd say that football game was the best "pick-me-up" I've had in quite a while :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Catch-You-Up Time

So, you might ask, "What have you been doing the three days that you weren't blogging?" And to that my response is:

-went to the park and went swinging :)
-knitting (YES. I am so excited to be good at this)
-missed my brother
-contemplated my gratefulness towards my friends and the blessings they are
-dug into the Word
-got an awesome pair of shoes
-drove, and drove
and....-continued to put finishing touches on this room I share

OH. and exciting news. I am a new owner of an old car-- my first car :)

TO DO: Look on the "glass half full" side of life. It pays off.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

There is this song called "Beautiful Grace" by the band Relevant Worship and there is a line in the song that has just saturated my mind. It's so simple. A forfeit of our own life and a declaration to the meaning of life is praising and glorifying Jesus.

It says, "Over and over, we will praise you. Over and over, Lord."

This line is repeated at the end of the song many times. It makes you want to sing it for forever with the harmonies, ect. When my heart is worshipful, all is well with my soul.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Do:

To Do: Find a Role Model

In today's culture I think "role models" have been compromised because people started imitating them instead of learning from them. If you're imitating someone, you're not being yourself nor are you looking up to someone else- you're becoming them. So to clarify the words role model:
     {def.}A person you look up to, admire and would like to learn from.

*Who are you imitating?
*Who are you learning from?
*Who are you aiming to be?

Obviously Jesus is my ultimate role model but today I've stumbled upon the fact that I would like to be like Joshua....the one from the bible. Recently I've been reading the book in the bible named after him that contains his life story. I have been in constant awe at the ways he pursued the Lord. Nothing stopped him and upon sin, he fell to his knees dying inside because he was convinced of the mighty power of the God he served. He was dedicated to his mission- unswervingly. He led his people- unwaveringly. But, most of all, he served the Lord- whole heartedly.

*Who is your role model?