Sunday, September 18, 2011

Something New TO DO:

DO: One thing at a time, STOP: Multitasking.
How busy is our world? So busy, right? So, I'm simply recommending you stop and do just one thing at a time- breath. When you're out to eat with friends let your mind be completely there with them, totally in the moment. When you're taking a phone call, stop scrolling the browser- just listen and truly hear what they have to say. If you're on an adventure, be fully on an adventure.

The more I see our world and want to be separated from it- the more I'm disturbed by how little our minds can focus. This is even true with me and especially regarding my quiet time. The struggle it is to organize my thoughts during that time is a sure sign that I'm a multi-tasking addict. I can't believe that I've gotten myself into such a place where even just reading God's Word requires a constant determination of refocus.

I want to stop the multi-tasking now. I want to live in this moment, right in front of me. I know that I can't do that while I'm surrounded by technology- so, if you're the same way I am... just do yourself and everyone else- but mostly yourself- a favor and part with your technology more often. I promise it's freeing.  Realize you're a multi-tasking addict and get help :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Experimentation... ;]

So, the world has just unfolded in front of my very eyes. There is so much beauty that is so very present all around me that it makes me want to do something about it. While I can never quite grasp the true beauty that I do see- I definitely try. Here are a few photographs that I've been having a ball with lately. These are unedited. Isn't the Lord's sunlight just purely indescribable?

 'That is happiness: to be dissolved in something completely great.'
 'Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge from- into the Light.' ~Helen Keller
 'A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.' ~Ghandi

Now, you might be asking, "who is your beautiful partner in crime?" Well, that's Rachel Miller. Our next experiment is with film and a dark room. It might take a while to get some good stuff- but when we do... I'll be sure to post (:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Wow. I haven't blogged in a while. And I can't say it's because I've been insanely busy or because I just didn't have anything to say because I always have something to say. My reasons are merely that I haven't been able to sit myself down and be open on here... I've had so many things going on and for some reason, this summer it became seriously difficult to write down my thoughts where I knew anyone could see them. Honestly, this hasn't happened much before and I'm wondering what my real thoughts are and why I've been hiding them.

I guess, the truth is, these past three months have been the most trying, most stressful, most revealing and rewarding three months that I ever could have had. They've been full of detective-work, secrets, family histories, career searches, self-expression and deep, deep thinking. Overflowing with studies, rearranging, heart searching, ordering priorities and opening my eyes and heart. God has revealed who I am to me more and more and I can see where I want to go. I've been able to see why I react the ways I do, where I've been hurt and didn't realize it and how I am the way I am.

God has been good to me.
He has been patient with me.
The Lord has let me discover and lured me closer.
Jesus has loved me with a Love that I know won't let go.
God proved himself to me.
He overwhelmed me with Truth.
The Lord gave me words to cling to, words that changed me forever.
Jesus showed me that I am His. I am no others. Solely His.

And, most of all, I know that Jesus has a work in store for me. Something special. Something that these past three months will help me with. They've prepared me for what's in store and now, I'm ready to move forward.