Sunday, June 19, 2011

Of course there were mixed emotions with leaving the center yesterday... to know that I would, most likely, never see the kids that I had cared for the whole week broke my heart. I can't really explain how it feels to become so immensely attached to someone and then leave them knowing you won't be with them again. It's intense and emotional.

But in happy news, the little boy I had been working with all week finally smiled. He was so precious and I will never forget his little imprints on my heart. The atmosphere became slightly somber since all our American ladies wanted to take the children home to the States. It's extremely hard to remember that they have families of their own and moms that care greatly for them... they just can't feed them.

In order to lighten up the hard goodbye from yesterday, we (meaning Nick, Lydia, Chase, Tracey and Mom...and me) went all around Antigua. Nick played football with all the Guatemalan locals and even met a friend that shared his passion for language...which was pretty cool. We all hiked up on this hill that looked out over Antigua and it had a cross of the very top of it. It was breath-taking. Completely breath-taking. Pictures are to come- i've just misplaced a downloading cord. We all gathered at the foot of the cross (how cool) and prayed for the city.

We walked around town.
            Ate a true Guatemalan meal at a super cool restaurant.
                   Shopped- of course.
                           Spent time with our favorite Guatemalans (:
                                   Prepared for language school in the morning.

I'm really excited for the rest of the week to unfold. As of now I feel blessed, oh so blessed, and tired...           

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