Thursday, June 16, 2011

and here it begins...

Here I am. Floating in the air. It’s such a remarkable phenomenon isn’t it? But how grateful I am for this flying invention because today it will bring me to one of my favorite places on earth. I am on my way to Guatemala City, Guatemala (go figure ;]) Here I will be taking care of beautiful, helpless and malnourished babies
The poor The hungry The needy. 
As I look out the window and think of how I’m sitting above the clouds, I’ve started to contemplate what exactly Jesus has in store for this trip. Where exactly will I be going? Who exactly will I be helping? How exactly will I be changed? And the questions go on and on. I know that the exactly(s) in my questions may never be answered but then I think of just how cool that is. This trip is so much bigger than anything I will ever be able to “comprehend”... I may never realize the exact degree of change that occurred in me over this time or the change that happened in others but that’s okay.
This morning I have been searching for a verse that I can cling to and remind myself of my purpose for being here and I think I’ve just found it. It’s from Psalms 51. It says,
“You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken sprit; a broken and contrite heart, oh God this you will not despise.”
What does it look like to have a broken spirit? A contrite heart? 
.be humble. 
I know that the places I have seen God work the most in my life are when I know that I am not strong enough and that without him I can do nothing. When my heart is in that place the most incredible things happen. I feel like I am completely and utterly moldable. 
Please be praying. Pray that the members of our team will have hearts open wide to Jesus’ plan for our trip. Pray that they will know why they are here and who they are here for. Pray for strength for us as we love on children whose condition you would never even imagine. 
Last year I journaled daily. This year I’m going to try to blog daily.
I’m excited for this adventure to begin (:

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