Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am Resolved

Honestly, there are some weeks where I completely loose my mind and decide to spiral down into a dark abyss of selfishness and sorrow. Now, of course I'm selfish on a regular basis and i definitely don't want to fool you into thinking otherwise, but these kind of weeks I'm particularly closed off. I decide to shut down because I'm overwhelmed or because I feel worthless... or maybe it's because I can't handle not getting enough sleep or living up to other's standards... or better yet, because I allow Satan to speak lies into my soul. Sometimes I can't help that I'm rotting but most of the time I allow myself to become self focused and ridiculously saddened because it gives me some sense normalcy (oddly enough). But you see, any sense of normalcy takes away from the extravagance of Christ's suffering for me.

Today, as I was looking at some songs for the youth group band, I stumbled upon a sermon and ended up listening to it. The speaker was an extreme word smith and completely caught my attention... He mentioned a young man named Jonathan Edwards and at that moment I looked the guy up. I was stunned to find his list of Resolutions... here are a few that particularly got to me.

4. Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.
-As a Christ follower, I, Anna Foulkrod, am called to lift Jesus up in the highest way I possibly can and give him all the glory he is owed...but how many times do I take credit for the things that only Jesus enabled me to do? How many times do I forget that only HE deserves the glory and honor and praise?

5. Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.
-Now, some days I pride myself on my procrastination techniques... but you see, I know that not one minute of my life is to go to waste and that EVERY second of every day I should be practicing the presence of God, my Most High. I am waiting for the day I sit at my Savior's throne and he says, "Well done, my good and *faithful* servant." Christ's faithfulness is unrelenting in my life- how much more faithful should I be to the Gospel and His truth?

6. Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live.
-I know that I am weak but Jesus encourages me by saying that HIS grace is sufficient for me because HIS power is made *perfect* in my weakness!! How beautiful is that?!

17. Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.
-I wonder how many people live in regret. Regret over past mistakes, relationship failure, terrible time management, not serving enough, breaking the law, disobeying Christ... there are so many things to regret. However, Jesus has freed us from all guilt and condemnation- be FREE in Christ! For, He offers the only true freedom.

20. Resolved, to maintain the strictest temperance in eating and drinking.
-Personally, I think this is only so much of a struggle in our culture because we lack trust in Jesus to supply our human needs on a daily basis. We forget that he alone holds the plan for our life. Not only do we, as Americans, lack trust but we also blatantly ignore the Holy Spirit. It hurts my heart deeply when I see people resort to this for momentary happiness...especially, those I love dearly.

28. Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.
-How on earth will I know who I serve if I don't take time to really study him and meet with him? Worship Jesus by gaining more knowledge about him. I know how deeply loved I feel when people take the time to get to know me...and I know that Jesus paid it all so that he could be with me forever. In response I decide to do the same for him.

39. Resolved, never to do anything that I so much question the lawfulness of, as that I intend, at the same time, to consider and examine afterwards, whether it be lawful or no; except I as much question the lawfulness of the omission.

I am resolved to live my life fully and completely submitted to the will of God. 
I am resolved to do as he has commanded me to do.
I am resolved to love Him even in the most unfriendliest places and people.
I am resolved to die to myself and to live for Him.
I am resolved to go anywhere and do anything that He has called me to.
I am resolved to be in faithful pursuit of the one and only God until the day I die.

I am Resolved.

Definition of Resolved:
firm in purpose or intent; determined.


Rachel said...

I am so incredibly proud of you. Thanks for living in such a way that inspires others and encourages everyone. The Lord has some pretty darn incredible plans for you. Continue using the passion the Lord has given you to influence lives. Anna Sophia Foulkrod... I love you whole heartily... always and forever. :)

Jason Tovey said...

Thanks for sharing your heart. The Lord will empower you to do all that He intends of you. I pray that you find both rest and restlessness (knowing that we only "arrive" when in His glory) in the pursuit of all that you've resolved to be and do. May you continue to grow in the knowledge and expression of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world around you and for His glory alone.


pam said...

Anna, your commitment and resolve are a breath of fresh air! Thank you for being vulnerable for the sake of others and showing your heart. May your words encourage others, young and old, to lay it all down for the sake of Jesus. Love you,girl.


Shanna said...
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Shanna said...


Scott here. Thank you for this post on resolutions. Thanks for sharing your heart. Keep writing.

Unknown said...

Anna Bear,

I love how you love our Lord and I love your commitment to his ways in your life. You have a gift of written communication, may you continue to use it for His Glory! Your blog is a gift for me, thanks for having the courage to write it!

Mr. Yager