Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Time

Do you ever have a hard time letting go? Letting go of a situation, a past hurt? Or maybe of a person, a friend? Or maybe you just have a difficult time letting go in general... of maybe a responsibility or a routine. 
Often, I have the world's hardest time of letting go. Internally I will process things over and over until every part of me is dry and my soul becomes completely restless. For the longest time I had the words "let it all go" written across my bathroom mirror. Every time I looked at those words I was reminded of what I needed to do yet I was troubled by the fact that it didn't come naturally do live so. I constantly questioned, "why is it just SO hard?"
This morning as I troubled with the same quiet anxiety and sadness I just sat. It was 6 am. And i remained content to listening. I observed all around me that beautiful creation that was so evident in the chilly, icy morning. How the dew had frozen on the slightly faded green grass that would turn bright green, again, come Spring. I gazed at the electric blue skies that reflected the same color all over the land and as I saw the cloud covered sky I could only imagine the enormous glory of the sunrise just beyond their puffy grayness. When I looked at all this I knew...I knew that the God who so lovingly created this masterpiece for me to see has my life in His hands, too. I was just kindly reminded that nothing is too big for Him to handle. All of my flaws were made perfect in His sacrifice for me and because of that realization...I say that tonight it's time for me (and for you) to let Jesus in on even the parts of life I can't handle, and when everything feels out of control and 'not like it's supposed to be' to admit that He is still an ever sovereign and almighty God. He is still the God who wants me to "cast my cares upon Him for He cares for me. Often, when I forget...I look at the sunrise or sunset and I am immediately reminded that HIS love...it's MORE faithful than the sun that sets and rises every morning, and that's pure and undeniably, unmistakably and all sufficient beauty.


Rachel said...

thank you miss anna foulkrod for completely encouraging me through this. (: seriously, thank you.

Haleybug said...

Beautiful:) I honestly haven't read your blog in awhile, and it's kind of amazing that the first blog I read since 2 weeks ago was about the same exact thing that I was just talking about with some girls at church. Don't you love the way God works?? :)