Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Place of Many Metaphors

Today, I was overwhelmed with a flood (*no pun intended) of thoughts as I walked along the shore of the never-ending, all consuming ocean. I was, as usual, blown away. As I walked and walked (and became more and more windblown) I continued to think of life, and how beautiful it truly is. Then I became consumed with the ocean and consumed of the many metaphors my mind automatically ran to. 

Last week, I was stuck at home. Completely miserable. Stuck with some kind of horrendous bug. One of my friends was over and I said that I wanted to go somewhere...she asked where and I said the ocean. Then of course she retorted with the fact that it was a completely unreasonable thought and to think of somewhere new. But, you see, that's where I really, truly, and with all of my heart, wanted to go...just to the ocean. The ocean represents so much and when I feel completely void of pure and real Love, unbelievably weighted down and blinded from what life truly is...my thought is to go...and see this vastly incredible, completely inconceivable and ceaseless place. A place of peace unimaginable. A place of many metaphors.

How great is the ocean? You can see the beginning but never even imagine of seeing the end. You can choose to submerge yourself in it and venture out into the great unknown, the insane mystery that lies beneath its surface...Or you can simply gaze at its waters in adoration and longing. You see the waves. They always come. You can never stop them. Instead, you are left, with no control. They will come and quickly roll over and over, whether you decide to go in or not. The waves will always come and they will...without fail....always go. If you are out by the oceans edge for long enough, you will submit to this conclusion and, as you submerge yourself in it, you will realize just how powerful these rolls of water really are. Not only will you see the power but you witness the danger. The waves are not the only threatening part, it is also what lies beneath the them. You must admit to yourself that you really, have no clue as to what is swimming around at your ankles. You must overcome any fear.

How great is His Love for us? Oh, with Jesus' love, it never ends. While, yes, we all do know that the ocean DOES, in fact, have an ending...The King of the Universe is left to be a mystery. He gives us the choice to simply adore his love from afar and never dare to enter or to jump full fledged into it. If you decide to not advance into the water, you will, without a doubt, miss out on the great adventure of this crazy, indescribable love... But with His immense grace Jesus will patiently wait for you to leap into his risky but oh-so-worth-it waters. He will always be there waiting just for you. The waves of life do come and they reveal just how unpredictable life is...but under the surface of His love He has a plan. Just for you. A plan that must be submitted to and acknowledged. A plan that requires you to let fear go and, instead, for you to surrender to an all-knowing God.

So, God really did bless me today. He granted my wish..that I had wished a week ago. I saw the ocean, today. And now, as I gaze up at the stars I realize that no matter where I go...I can, not for one moment, ever escape His Love. It is everywhere. I see His sunset and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jesus who died for your sins, died for mine too. I also know that the reason He died is so that I could be submerged, without fear, into the grandeur  of His Love. I am in absolute, perfect need of this love. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Be My EVERYTHING....Be My Delight!

I have this obsessive nature where I become SO enamored by a song that I will listen to it over and over...over and over. The oddest thing is that every time I turn it on again something new grips at my heart, be it a set of beautiful words matched together perfectly to inflict incredible emotion of me, the listener, or even a chord that hits that instrument so splendidly that it becomes almost bewitching. Mostly, these songs aren't exactly what's on the radio...they are usually hymns.
I remember sitting in a Sunday service one morning thinking that I hated hymns, they were dull and boring. As I grow in my walk and in life I realize that I think the complete opposite, now. Recently, my obsession has been...Be Thou My Vision.

So, just listen to this song...praise Jesus. He is the only one who deserves your gifts and talents. He is the only one worthy of your voice, your life and your worship, in every way shape and form.

How Can I Obtain It?

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." 2 Corinthians 1
This verse came alive to my soul in August when Hope Reins of Raleigh opened it's doors to the hopeless and hurting. Those that felt unloved, unworthy and alone...those who struggled with life and were having a difficult time living it. I am at a loss for words trying to explain this place to you... This place where my heart and soul came alive and where children's lives are completely changed, where my life was completely changed. This place where my mind is peaceful and my thoughts are focused, a place solely for worship. Worship to this mighty God by loving his people. To see with eyes that understand, to touch with hands that convey gentleness, to laugh with genuine joy, to run with positive and freeing energy, to walk with a Graceful God who died for my sins. Here, God's plan of giving me a heart for his people was taken to an extreme...an extreme, unrealistic and mysterious love. A love that could overlook everything and anything. 
It was absolutely insane to think of how I would react to the things these children had been through...these young men and young women. Girls who had been through extreme situations and poured their hearts out to me...how would I react to this? Would I be angry, sad or upset? Confused, heartbroken, worried? There was just no telling until it all unfolded. I can't even explain JUST how incredible the times of "heart-pouring" was...intense, but, oh, so, beautiful. They were the very essence of my Savior's POWER.
Jesus, is so miraculous and tender. He patiently walks along side of me, not only during the times when others are struggling but also when I am struggling. Not only is he perfect during those times but he is gentle, loving and patient to see the process through... It is such a comforting feeling to know that if all else fails---there will alway be Jesus. No matter who leaves me---there will always be Jesus. It doesn't depend on how awful, wretched I am because--- there will.. always.. be Jesus. When everything I could possibly "offer" to Him leaves me---He will still always be who He has said He is...Jesus. HIS promises never fail me...HIS love never leaves me...HIS words never sting me... HE is always truthful, always satisfying. He is not only enough for my soul but He is MORE than I could ever possibly think of asking for, better than anything that I could ever be offered and more beautiful than anyone could ever be in my heart.
One morning a long while ago my Jesus offered me these words from John 13:34b, "Just as I have love you, you must also love each other." How does one LOVE? What does it truly mean? Does the world even know what TRUE love really is. The truth is...the love that Jesus has called me to is perfect because it is His love. I attempt to follow this command, but often fail. I know that one day, Jesus will complete me, and then, only then, this love that I so passionately yearn to give, i will have. Until then, I only witness little glimpses of it.