Monday, April 5, 2010

Why are hard days always sooo hard? The pain of living in a sinful world! It seems that I always write here when my thoughts are more depressing than normal. I dont mean to be depressing at all! It's just there are far fewer heavy thoughts in my life as opposed to light hearted care-free ones. Mostly I have a smile on my face and am loving life but lets be honest.. life is NOT, unfortunately, always like that. Today for instense... Just over-all sad!

One of those days that you have absolutely every reason to sit down and cry your heart out, eat a box of milk chocolates and listen to depressing music. Even though yesterday was wonderful how can today be so tough? How that frustrates me! The fact that everything can be fine one day and the next.. Well, not so fine just kills me.

Anyways, while I was doing all of the things I felt worthy to do while feeling sad I called my mom and told her all about my rough day. She completely understood and reminded me of my Savior through scripture:

"I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. The poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles." -Psalm 34:4-6

So, my dear blog readers, this is what I have decided to rest in. Jesus does care for me and my burdenesome days...he wants to take them away from me! Although, its my choice to give my burden to him. To give him my thoughts and actions and days and plans and life- O, how easy life is when I choose to trust him with all of the above. Worry-free, care-free, passionate, clear thoughts, devotion, freedom, smiles, laughing! It all seems to come when I give it ALL to Jesus.

*Update on my Life*