Thursday, April 15, 2010

the watered down word :)

The Lord is just SO good. I try to describe Him and when I do, how frustrated I get! There really seem to be no words that are glorifying enough for his holy, holy name.

Our language is just so normal and most conversationalists use many adjectives to explain/describe things, which I feel really robs our vocabulary. Sadly, it allows so many extremely powerful words to mean almost nothing... well not "nothing" but it takes away the passion or rawness that you meant to get across.

The word love for instance... I love chocolate and I love people. No way are people and chocolate on the same level in my mind! (Chocolate is wayyy higher... COMPLETELY kidding!) Do you see what the dilemma is? A few weeks ago I was just so deeply bothered that I looked the word love up in a Greek dictionary. Where I discovered there are three types of love... Philia, Eros, and Agape. These words are so deep and raw that I had to share.

Philia- Is friendly and basically shows your affection on the level of loyalty. Nothing more nothing less.. it just kind of is. Personally I think the word for love we use today can be the same thing in most cases. Philia is mostly like an appreciation for something we like.

Eros- There is a quote by Plato that's pretty crazy, "Although Eros is initially felt for a person, with contemplation it becomes an appreciation for the beauty within that person, or even an appreciation for beauty itself." This, I believe is a longing for more than just Philia(friendliness) but it is without commitment. Maybe just an attraction, what Hollywood would call 'love at first sight'.

The final type of love is TRUE love. Deep and personal.. The love my Savior has for me. This love is rare and completely steadfast, never-changing. It is SO NOT dependent on the moment because it stands as it is... Agape. The heat that comes with this word is just incredibly dumbfounding. Nothing have I done to deserve this kind of love, and that's just exactly what blows my socks off. Jesus loves me as I am. All the crazy horribly selfish mistakes I make, every act of utter disobedience, the continual choices of me over Him, the constant struggle for my plan over His- He'll take all of that if it allows him to have me. UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE.


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