Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Be prepared for a totally different post then normal but it just was a completely necessary experience to share.. :)
As I sit here watching American Idol I cant escape the smell... the awful smell of a spray on tan. Wonderful readers.. I can't believe that I, Anna Foulkrod, got a SPRAY-ON-TAN! I mean can you even believe it? Ok, in my defense I had absolutely no idea that this is what our 'family night' entitled.
Now you might be thinkin- Why on earth did she get one? Well, you see I have a formal event on Saturday needing an evening gown. Instead of getting a new dress this year I just completely re-did an old dress. Part of these alterations were going strapless. Unfortunately, I tanned a lot last summer leaving white white whiteness... so.. after re-trying the dress on my dad recommended a tan. Ha, I thought he was completely kidding but apparently not.. because here I sit, stinky and smelly for another 6 hours..
But I must say this isn't a bad experience at all! In fact, I'd say that it was/is a wonderful memory. The fact that through the windows I could see (the rather orange themselves) salon workers cracking up- I can only imagine how often they get a whole family to walk through their doors! Their first words were "going to the Caribbean?". Goodness.. I hope this came across as humorous as it is to me as I sit here not only stinky and smelly but now laughing.
When I walked out of the tanning place not only did I take a DEEP breathe of fresh air but also I laughed sooo hard and then my family joined me, making it even better.

*Update on my Life*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

the watered down word :)

The Lord is just SO good. I try to describe Him and when I do, how frustrated I get! There really seem to be no words that are glorifying enough for his holy, holy name.

Our language is just so normal and most conversationalists use many adjectives to explain/describe things, which I feel really robs our vocabulary. Sadly, it allows so many extremely powerful words to mean almost nothing... well not "nothing" but it takes away the passion or rawness that you meant to get across.

The word love for instance... I love chocolate and I love people. No way are people and chocolate on the same level in my mind! (Chocolate is wayyy higher... COMPLETELY kidding!) Do you see what the dilemma is? A few weeks ago I was just so deeply bothered that I looked the word love up in a Greek dictionary. Where I discovered there are three types of love... Philia, Eros, and Agape. These words are so deep and raw that I had to share.

Philia- Is friendly and basically shows your affection on the level of loyalty. Nothing more nothing less.. it just kind of is. Personally I think the word for love we use today can be the same thing in most cases. Philia is mostly like an appreciation for something we like.

Eros- There is a quote by Plato that's pretty crazy, "Although Eros is initially felt for a person, with contemplation it becomes an appreciation for the beauty within that person, or even an appreciation for beauty itself." This, I believe is a longing for more than just Philia(friendliness) but it is without commitment. Maybe just an attraction, what Hollywood would call 'love at first sight'.

The final type of love is TRUE love. Deep and personal.. The love my Savior has for me. This love is rare and completely steadfast, never-changing. It is SO NOT dependent on the moment because it stands as it is... Agape. The heat that comes with this word is just incredibly dumbfounding. Nothing have I done to deserve this kind of love, and that's just exactly what blows my socks off. Jesus loves me as I am. All the crazy horribly selfish mistakes I make, every act of utter disobedience, the continual choices of me over Him, the constant struggle for my plan over His- He'll take all of that if it allows him to have me. UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE.


Friday, April 9, 2010

The Sweet Spot :)

Ok I am OFFICIALLY inspired! Thoreau has completely inspired me (well I was inspired by a friend to be inspired by Thoreau).
A few of his incredible quotes have stuck out to me a bunch! Well actually, most of them stuck out to me but I'm not going to take up my whole blog to write on them :)A few of them I'll tell you what I think about and the others... you can just let your imaginations be intrigued!

Quoto numero uno!
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
-This one is pretty inspiring because so many people in today's world want to not only walk with the crowd but run with it. Also, something interesting here is that Thoreau encourages the others to "let him step to the music he hears". how awesome if everyone encouraged each other to actually be themselves and accepted them that way.
*Application- mmm, this is REALLY hard. As wonderfully incredible this sounds, in reality I completely fall short way too often. Maybe you can relate: its the person that walks in the room and everyone cringes... however, no matter how many people do this we're called to a higher standard as Christan's. "love your brother as yourself"... I realize how high of a standard this is but I think thats why God gives it to us. They are so high because we need to come to the realization that without him we just CANT do it. In order to love, the love he has called us to, we need him!

"However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are the richest."
-This man definitely has a way with words that is so capturing and makes you wonder and think about who you actually are and how you really live your life. In this quote he says how life looks the poorest when you are actually the richest. I think this is a completely real and legitimate thought- if all you're living for is riches and wealth then what are you left with when you accomplish that? More riches and wealth? When he says poorest of course he doesnt mean materially but the mission of your life, with only stuff to look forward to, is poor. The quality of life that brings is poor. The happiness it brings is momentary.

"That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest."
I love, love, LOVE this one. To me it says live life! Moments, friendships, fun, love, investments... this all costs really nothing except in our minds and hearts which really is value anyways.

"Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind." (the one you really wanted to hear B))
I say... TRUE! Now that last part of the quote took me a while- a long while.. I'm pretty sure I re-read it at least ten times. What incredible words. They're words that sound so intelligent that you know you need to understand what he's trying to say. I might get this wrong but what I think he's saying is that luxury completely can get in the way of us looking at OURselves. Not what others have or what we must have but taking a deep look inside ourselves and the condition of our heart. Now, since we live in America no matter how you live you are bound to have luxuries. I dont think to the same extent as Thoreau does about luxuries but I do agree that they TOTALLY get in the way of our relationship with God and the way we view life. The main thing echoed throughout Thoreau's work is the fact that leading a life of poverty is sweeter than a life of riches however, I believe God has us all in different places in life for different reason... as long as we trust and completely believe that HE will supply us with all of our needs and we will be in the sweet spot.

"Poverty ... It is life near the bone, where it is sweetest." (interesting)

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."

"The blue bird carries the sky on his back"

"There is no remedy for love but to love more" (Wow, how beautiful!)

*Update on my thoughts*

Monday, April 5, 2010

Why are hard days always sooo hard? The pain of living in a sinful world! It seems that I always write here when my thoughts are more depressing than normal. I dont mean to be depressing at all! It's just there are far fewer heavy thoughts in my life as opposed to light hearted care-free ones. Mostly I have a smile on my face and am loving life but lets be honest.. life is NOT, unfortunately, always like that. Today for instense... Just over-all sad!

One of those days that you have absolutely every reason to sit down and cry your heart out, eat a box of milk chocolates and listen to depressing music. Even though yesterday was wonderful how can today be so tough? How that frustrates me! The fact that everything can be fine one day and the next.. Well, not so fine just kills me.

Anyways, while I was doing all of the things I felt worthy to do while feeling sad I called my mom and told her all about my rough day. She completely understood and reminded me of my Savior through scripture:

"I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. The poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles." -Psalm 34:4-6

So, my dear blog readers, this is what I have decided to rest in. Jesus does care for me and my burdenesome days...he wants to take them away from me! Although, its my choice to give my burden to him. To give him my thoughts and actions and days and plans and life- O, how easy life is when I choose to trust him with all of the above. Worry-free, care-free, passionate, clear thoughts, devotion, freedom, smiles, laughing! It all seems to come when I give it ALL to Jesus.

*Update on my Life*