Half the day, I find myself wondering how I am where I am and how I became this 2%. The percentage that never ever worries about food on the spacious kitchen table inside the perfectly beautiful american house so much so that I can complain about the food served. I am thankful for the food. The spacious kitchen table. The perfectly beautiful and american house. Every bit of it I am grateful and honored to have. Nonetheless, I can't help but think somewhere along the line I got this askew and began my slew. (couldn't help it.) How did I win this lottery? What about the 98%? Anyway, I've been reading entirely too often recently, and one of the heavier choice reads has been Mere Christianity in hopes to finally finish it (after 3 attempts)- that, and it's a class assignment now.
Something Clyde Staples spoke resounded so deeply inside me that I cannot shake it, "I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure of comforts, luxuries, amusements, etcetera is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving way too little. If our charities do not pinch or hamper us, I should say that they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them." Which struck me. Hit me. Sucker punched me right on the spot titled "I have this all figured out" that somehow printed itself on my heart. What do I abandon in order help the cause of poor? I would be generous to myself if I merely said "not enough." To be honest and looking at the grand scheme, I give nothing and I forfeit nothing. Great self realization... not really, actually.
And what about this thing called "relationship"? By saying there are seasons for friendships and relationships, am I really just wimping out or speaking out of ignorance? Are the so called seasons more purposeful when it comes to the title placement? Could it be that my generation has cheapened the definition of friendship to an extent that there will hardly be any relationship that last long enough? Maybe our societal thinking is backwards, the exception should be a short-lasting friendship and not a long-lasting one?
So, I'll just apologize right off the bat, (i've been reading a book of idioms recently, as well. making a new kind of splash in the pool of conversation.) for any misunderstandings you may think or have. I mostly wrote this just to write. And I wrote it for those who may have considered the same considerations I have...as of recent.

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