Tuesday, November 13, 2012


For reasons such as personal privacy and personal filtration exercises, I don't share the deep and heavy on my blog--- or at least I try not to. I haven't figured out why I do this quite yet. I wonder: am I wary of people I don't know reading the deepest parts of my heart? Or is it the people I do know that I don't truly want to share with? Maybe I'm just aware of the unfair trade-off- you might know me a lot more than I know you and that scares me. I'd rather be in your position. But this. This was too God-given to not share. Alas, my heart is being slightly opened for you so please be kind with your thoughts- don't shed too much judgement but please feel free to relate to this all you can.

Let's hop back into 7 year old Anna's head.. she's having a conversation with her best friend and they are discussing the future together. "I wanna be a nurse," Anna says... "I wanna be a missionary," Rachie returns... "I wanna be a missionary,too..While I am nurse...but I'm going to wait until I'm married." "I'm going to have a boyfriend when I'm 16," Rachie says. "Me too," Anna responds.

Since then, my career path has changed and I cannot even comprehend myself becoming a nurse anymore. Funny. Also, I'm on the verge of turning 18 and I have yet to have a boyfriend. Funnier. However, Rachie is still my best friend... But I call her Rachel more these days. I'm glad some expectations from that conversation were met :) And I can't help but let a chuckle and sigh out at our conversation because I seriously remember it all too well.

If I could go back and have a conversation with little 7 year old Anna, my first question would be: Why is 16 the time? Even to 17 year old Anna I ask why should you date now? What on earth would be the point? The only answer I can come up with is: Anna. There are only selfish reasons. Today as I was talking to Jesus, I was asking how can my heart be so against something my head so wants? My head thinks my position is completely logical- it all makes total sense. My heart thinks I'm total wacko, there must be something wrong here. Is there something wrong with me? Probably.

To bring you back in real time, I was questioning God- asking him to fix me so I didn't continue on this indecent struggle of being alone- and I flipped the pages of the Word to John 2. [I've been in the process of reading through John for about 3 weeks now and I'm only on chapter 2. (Success or fail?) Definitely a success. Most of the days in those three weeks, I could only handle a few verses at a time. They shook my heart- mostly, I couldn't comprehend some of it and I would read it again and again.] Back to John 2.
"Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."

The story of Jesus' first recorded miracle in this book. No big deal, right? Well, let's read it again...
"Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."
(Break out the Word of God for more understanding to this verse.... a wedding runs out of wine and in verse 4, Jesus tells his mom he can't help them because it's not his time- but he does it anyways and this is the result. The BEST wine.)
My questions to Jesus:
-Why can't I have the high school sweetheart that every romantic feels indebted with?
-Where are my reassuring words of affirmation?
-Why don't I get to have someone just for me that enjoys me and loves me and hugs me?

I feel ridiculous even writing these questions down. I'm embarrassed for myself! It amazes me how Jesus is so juxtaposed to society. It's obvious that he knows he could make the water into awful wine and everyone would expect it but instead he chooses to make the best anyone will ever drink. I'll place my bet that no one ever tasted such AWEsome wine ever again. How does this come back to single-ness and expectations? To me. Today. This is a little hit on the head that

1) Jesus obeyed his mom (THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE OBEYED HIS MOM!) and did what she asked
2) There was no begrudging. He gave the best the situation could have expected. He blew everyone away with the result.

Jesus has so much more to reveal to me. I have so much growing. I'm humbled to the sin I have in my heart that I cannot even see unless the Spirit reveals it to me. I would be bad wine. This is why he is making me wait. "As the watchman waits for the morning" I am waiting... I am dying to see the awesome sunrise a relationship in God's perfect timing will bring. I feel like a little girl jumping up and down waiting for Christmas BUT here's the deal my waiting isn't stagnant. I'm realizing I make it waiting. Why I am I waiting for something I'm not promised? Is Jesus enough? Is he the only thing that satisfies me? I want that to be true. More than true. I don't want my eyes to look upon a boy and measure whether or not he could be "the one." (I want to know what it means to be united as brothers and sisters before Jesus... I think this is for another post, though.)

Here's the deal, it will always be unexpected when something doesn't fit the norm. It's unexpected to even me that I've past 16 and don't date. It was unexpected to the host that Jesus made the better wine after the first round of wine was consumed. What Jesus did was very gracious. What he does is very gracious. So, that's my conclusion- I will stop this search because I will rest in the fact that Jesus, my God, my Savior, is gracious and faithful. He has proven that over and over- why would he be any different in this circumstance?


Elisha said...

This is really good! :) And it's funny.. Because Rach is 18 now, and she was telling us in class Sunday about waiting for a boyfriend.
Funny how things change, and I get you.. About sharing with people.

Unknown said...

Forget not the second part of Jesus’ reply in v. 4, “My time has not yet come.” In the same way, His time for working a miracle in your behalf has not yet fully come. Those who believe in Jesus but encounter situations they cannot understand must continue to trust that he will work in a way that will bring glory to Him while at the same time working things together for their good. As you continue to trust in His providential care, He will fill the emptiness in you just as he filled the empty wine jars. Ultimately, He’ll amaze you, and all that come within the scope of your influence, not merely with that which is better, but with that which is best.