What makes you a workaholic, you father of kids and husband of a wife? Are you defined by your work?
How about you mom of beautiful children who is frustrated constantly totally not blinded by a bitter past or an absent husband? How can you make everything look so good but live in a place that's so bad?
Or how about you singles who have lost sight of the love their Savior gives, emotionally emphatic on the fact that's it's too hard to be without another human?
All of these are struggles of being human, I totally get that. But far too often I allow my struggles to restrain the follower of Jesus that I am. I submit to the worthless life of living in my flesh and not to the adventured life of Jesus. I know that when I claim to live life for Jesus but feel strained every second, emotionally overloaded and (for all practical reasons) un-peaceful, I am simply not truly living for Christ. In Philippians 4, the Lord says that in every situation present yourself to God and his peace which transcends anything you and I will ever really understand will come upon us- he will guard our hearts and minds with it. If you can relate thus far, I recommend going ahead and reading the whole chapter in Philippians.
Let me tell you this, anything you're holding onto...it's just not the best. He offers us the best- he has the BEST in mind for us. So, no excuses...let's change the world for him. And let me tell you, friends, it starts in your heart, it starts in my heart.
This poem fit perfectly to what I was feeling and thinking. The second I heard it, my soul started leaping- my heart started amen-ing and then, of course, my hands started their typing.

I love your heart Anna! Keep speaking the truth.
Anna, I cannot tell you how excited it makes me to see young girls like you STANDING UP to be counted a follower of Christ...it is inspiring and challenging, and oh-so-beautiful! I hope you will not put down your pen...er, computer. Thank you for the challenge and for not letting anyone look down on you because you are young!!!
Oops, the above was from me...I didn't mean to hit Anonymous! :)
I shared the link for this on my blog! SO GOOD!!
I never really knew about these Spoken Words until you posted them and now I love them. Thank you so much for sharing!
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