Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Piece of Humble Pie...

Wheww! Tonight, my heart came before the incredibly forgiving throne of God humiliated to realize how prideful and self-righteous it had become. It absolutely disgusts me when I look back. Not just the fact of my "betterness" but that I was so caught up in it that I didnt realize what I was doing.
I am a FILTHY rag before my King and I am only able to call Him my King because Jesus died for MY tears are flowing. I am so undeserving and seeing I thought I was deserving just kills me! :(
To my dear friends that I have disrespected and been "better than"- I am sincerly sorry... my heart is hurting right now for I am so humiliated. See how prideful I am! Ugh.
To many of and those that are older- I have so much to learn from you. O! I am so sorry for thinking my way better. YOU are older and wiser... I respect you. Please please forgive me for my hard unteachable heart.
To my dearest parents- Thank you for loving me enough to call me out.. I love you!

I know that this experience of being humbled is for my good. I know Jesus will always make all things work together for my good.. I hope my heart will stay in this place but when it doesnt please love me enough to tell me this isnt the way to live life... It will hurt but O what a blessing it would be!

*Update on my Life*

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