Monday, July 25, 2011

The Peace of a Sunflower...

Now, I don't have much time at all to write but I wanted to jot a beautiful thing down on this blog of mine. I know that I have not been able to write much lately and sadly that is because of this enormous and MOST frustrating "writer's block" that has been occurring to me. I feel as though it is the worst illness that could have ever taken over me.

But I must quickly tell about something. Many of you know that I am in Germany, now. This is a wonderful place to be but before I arrived here I was very anxious and rather fearful... many "what-ifs" were running through my head. I understand that many people can't see the reasons of why I was nervous but those near and dear to me were the few most comforting and have offered words that mean so much. Truly a blessing from the Lord. However, one of the biggest blessings has been the constant sunflowers that are all around Munich.

On the plane and an hour before we landed I was reading a book that a friend had lent to me. I just so happened to read a place that she had "eared" for me. It was about overcoming fears of rejection. As I meditated on the thoughts I had just read and the beauty of redemption and ALL that my Jesus has done for me, I heard loud and clear "my child, I am here with you. remember that always. whenever you see a sunflower you will be reaffirmed." When I heard that I was kind of shocked but shook it off assuming that there wouldn't be many sunflowers (there aren't many in the States). I kid you not, as I walk out of the plane there are sunflowers sitting right there. I drive in the car, there are FIELDS of sunflowers. I walk in my grandparents house, there is a bowl of sunflowers. The next morning I am greeted with an Aunt (who i have not seen in years) and she gives me a sunflower.

The miracle is sunflowers are EVERYwhere here. Of course this is not only wonderful because it is my favorite flower, but also because, dear readers, my God is with me where ever I go. He will never leave or forsake me. I am HIS and he mine. AND I am so worthy to him that he has bought me with the precious blood of his Son. The beauty is, Jesus has used sunflowers to teach me of is ever-presense. How lovely, purely lovely, is that?