Sunday, May 22, 2011

Question: Will You Be an Effectual Doer of the Word or a Determined Follower of the World?

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Question: what does this mean to YOU?

"For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but instead think of yourself with sober judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you."

Now, I have another question: What does THIS mean to you?

I am completely aware of the fact that I fall enormously short...So, whatever I say please don't think me a hypocrite, only an imperfect person trying* to chase after Jesus. I speak to young people on this post (if any even read this :)) Recently, my eyes have been completely opened on how easy it is to call yourself a Christian. How many Christian kids do you know that are in active rebellion against the Word of God? How many do you know that are easily persuaded to march along with the crowd? How many do you know that won't speak up for Jesus even if they claim to be covered by his grace?

I have been overwhelmed, completely and utterly, to this realization. No wonder so many people hate the name of "Christian"..those who use the name are the exact same people who gossip behind their back, complain constantly and act like everyone else. As I sat on my throne of judgement I realized that I am the same way...How many times do I allow ungodly things to happen whilst I am right there? How passionate am I about really shining the light of Christ? I mean, am I just a name-bearer and not a doer??

In Romans 12 (the verse above) it talks about offering our bodies as living sacrifices. Obviously I'm no theologian but could it be that Paul is demanding us to offer our bodies because they are earthly? To sacrifice anything earthly to God in order to be holy and pleasing? I think it could be because next Paul says not to conform any longer to the patterns of this world. Are you a Christ-follower and yet, at the same time, willfully disobey authority?
Are you a Christ follower and yet drink and party every Friday night?
And at the same time put others down just to make yourself feel better?
And at the same time have your identity set in the material things of this world?
And at the same time mess around with guys or girls in order to feel accepted?
Mostly, do you call yourself a Christian and yet, at the VERY same time, conform to the patterns this world holds so dearly??? We are to be RENEWED by Jesus. We are to be NOTHING of this world and EVERYTHING in Him.

Question: are you for Jesus or for the World?

This question is really something else, because your want is to say that you are for Jesus, however, what is the honest truth? What are you really for? What am I *really* and truly, completely and honestly for? Is it the God of the Universe who gave everything so that I could be with him in a holy, set apart and perfect place forever? Or is it the enticing and fun ways of the world? The world that is cruel and back-stabbing, harsh and deceiving?

Okay, the next part of the verse was the absolute most convicting. "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought"...
How often do I forget that I am a sinner completely saved by grace?
How often do I forget that I have nothing good to offer God?
That nothing I could ever do or even think of doing could help the condition I am in?
Man, How often do I forget that I am really good at screwing things up?
That I am only a speck of dust?
Here one day and forgotten the next?
That even my best is nothing but filthy rags in the presence of a holy God?

Question: How often do you forget that, too?

Jesus Christ has offered me purpose. To live my life different and set apart.

As many know, it says in James, "Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of any kind for it is the testing of your faith that produces endurance. Endurance must finish it's work so that you may be perfect and complete, not lacking anything." Years ago when I memorized this I had no idea what a big role it would play in my life. But how true, we *will* face trials. That's a promise. But trials, when you walk through them with a godly heart, are put in place so that we may be perfected.

Boy, is it a trial to be "not conformed to this world". A constant fight, a spiritual battle. But how insanely amazing would it be for a generation to come together, united under the truth of the Word of God, and stand firm, in complete rebellion against the world and totally renewed by God's perfect and pleasing will? It would be a delightful, passionate endeavor and one that would change lives forever. For eternity. For the kingdom.

The coolest part is, Jesus graciously leaves it up to us. It's our choice to be an effectual doer of the Word... or a determined follower of the world.